Tilersforums.co.uk van stickers.

Tilers Forums Official Sponsors

All members.

I'm going to try to setup a section on the facemedia group website that houses the couple of sticker choices and get them to sell them at cost, or for a very small profit.

On the page on their website they can then stick ads for business cards and stuff. So that's beneficial for them to do us some stickers.

I've not spoken to them yet, but it seems a win:win:win situation so I'm sure they'll go for it.

I've just been a little busy sorting out some sponsors for all the forums for 2010 so perhaps nearer the end of the month I'll find some time to get onto that and another couple of things we've been discussing in the elite that should improve the forum for all members.

Sorry hadn't read this when typing my last post
even do them as rewards/prizes for those who create helpful threads and help others or do them as nominations.

i nominate doug for one
if you sold the stickers could we donate a % to a charity of the forums choice a charity members agree on
Nominate them tpo people, after people get 10 nominations, or JOTM winners or prople who contribrute to the site, even most threads a month.
Is the idea to promote the forum to the general public? If so surely they need to be free to all members?

If on the other hand they are for advertising/marketing purposes for us as individual tilers then there should be a fee paid.

Just my opinion, but I'm not totally clear on the reasoning behind the stickers.

Fyi I'll flash one on my vehicle if available :thumbsup:
Tee shirt, cap and Knickers?? Oh stickers, got ya now.

Why did Liz just suddenly pop into my mind?


Why dont dan or dave put it on a poll so we can see what the members think is the best and also on a poll to see if the stickers should be made to elite members only or TFA members to


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