Old Mod
Hi, I’ve yet to read this thread unfortunately, but it has come to my attention that there a lot of calls to
‘Not pay’
Whilst this may be the action you are ultimately advised to carry out by a qualified professional, we are not authorised or qualified to encourage you to take this action.
These are opinions of individuals, and not the forum as an organisation.
Just want to make sure you are aware that we do not have the authority to instruct you to take that course of action.
Please take professional advice over payment.
‘Not pay’
Whilst this may be the action you are ultimately advised to carry out by a qualified professional, we are not authorised or qualified to encourage you to take this action.
These are opinions of individuals, and not the forum as an organisation.
Just want to make sure you are aware that we do not have the authority to instruct you to take that course of action.
Please take professional advice over payment.