Old Mod
As I said before, the TTA (tile assoc) can carry out an inspection, if they can’t visit because of your location, they’ll know someone you can contact, I’m sure.
Follow the link.
And they will not automatically support the tiler, believe me.
Yes moisture content can be checked, using a hair hygrometer or Carbide Bomb Test.
Yes the tiler should take steps to ensure moisture levels are correct.
Again this is why determining the type of screed is important.
Some dry much faster than others.
How long after the ‘concrete guys’ had completed their tasks was it before it was tiled?
Regular standard sand and cement takes a day for every mm of depth up to 40mm. After that it’s 1mm per two days.
But some can be fit to tile in just a week.

Follow the link.
And they will not automatically support the tiler, believe me.
Yes moisture content can be checked, using a hair hygrometer or Carbide Bomb Test.
Yes the tiler should take steps to ensure moisture levels are correct.
Again this is why determining the type of screed is important.
Some dry much faster than others.
How long after the ‘concrete guys’ had completed their tasks was it before it was tiled?
Regular standard sand and cement takes a day for every mm of depth up to 40mm. After that it’s 1mm per two days.
But some can be fit to tile in just a week.