Discuss Tiles falling off 12mm ply.... in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.


Colour Republic

No one coming in with the big benefits to using plasterboard in wet areas?? no surprise there

Hang on Deano! I haven't abandoned this thread just mearly gone out for dinner, now i'm back I might have had a few so i'll reply in the morning but safe to say i'm not disagreeing with what your preference is in the slightest, just saying what I would do in the OP's situation, to me it's all good debate not who's right or wrong ;)

catch you tomorrow


No one coming in with the big benefits to using plasterboard in wet areas?? no surprise there

Sorry Deano went out last night.

Now don't don't be bitchy or being a clever dick :) I never said that plasterboard was better than aqua panel or whatever,what I said(or meant to say) was in all the millions of houses that have been built since the 70s (or 60s) using plaster board untanked,skimmed tiled and have not failed,some have failed no doubt but many many many ain't.
How many tilers on here have tiled over plasterboard untanked over the years ? Have you? And please no comeback with " it don"t mean its right" ect ect ect,it obviously was for years .
it's been done for decades and of course things come out which make the job better,was just saying plasterboard has been used without problems,am I wrong ?
(Ps I'm off out again now,bit of lunch with family,so may not be able to respond in the next few hours ;) )

The D

Ok plasterboards have been around for a long time and yes of course I have tiled on them and yes sometimes in wet areas but it has always been someone other than myself that has made the decision to use it. As I have said given the option I would use something more suitable in a wet area.
If you or anyone else want to install plasterboard in wet areas that is up to you its no skin off my nose
But if these boards are so good why do we have more and more alternatives coming out every year. What is the point of having dedicated specialist backer boards when a bit of tanking over the plasterboards will do the job.
Why are these silly multimillion pound companies wasting there time and money on new products to combat a problem that according to you does not even exist.

The reason I have picked up on this plasterboard thing is the thread started with a debate on whether the OP should remove the ply in his shower or just bodge it over. I do not see the point of advising someone to remove something and replace it with something equally unsuitable.

Colour Republic

Let’s get it clear that I’m not saying I wouldn't use backer boards in a wet area or disagreeing it has added benefits over tanked plasterboard. It's just that I don't think tanked plasterboard is 'un-suitable' like you say.

Here are my reasoning why in the op's situation I would go with tanked PB

It's not because it's cheaper, in fact I doubt it is, plasterboard + tanking kit is probably similar in price to just buying backer boards. It is however easier to work within the OP's case. The shower I should imagine is maybe something standard like 900x900 and he's already stated he doesn't want to disturb surrounding areas, with plasterboard you can install in one piece floor to ceiling with no joints, with the average backer board being 600x1200 and the dimensions given you would have to lay the BB's horizontally meaning you would have 4 boards floor to ceiling with additional joints (assuming normal height ceilings) with thicker backer boards you could get away with not adding noggins on each joint but with the 12mm boards I wouldn't feel comfortable not adding extra support, fine you can do that but it is slightly more work and in addition you have the pipe work to contend with. No big problem but it is something else needed.

You mentioned PB is unsuitable because of the mould issue but tanked plasterboard doesn't have that, if say the reverse of the plasterboard is going mouldy then you have some serious issue that needs resolving. Somebody mentioned about pipes leaking, well that's just stupid, if you have leaking pipes then regardless of it being backer boards or PB you are going to have to some major work on your hands.

Personally I feel 12mm backer boards are more flexible than 12.5mm plasterboard, Say I was doing a wet room from scratch more than likely I would opt for 20mm backer boards. Not saying 12mm isn't right, it's just a personal preference to fit 20mm.

The fact manufacturers spend R&D money bringing out new boards doesn't make tanked PB 'unsuitable', if so then why would they develop tanking systems that you can use on PB??? Maybe like many you see paint on tanking systems as for the DIY market, personally I don't, I think they are a good product when used in the right situation. How many of us scoffed at the idea of lash clips? We all said it’s for amateurs, then when a few good pro's on here tested them out and gave them a good review some of us decided to give them the time of day.

In my mind... Are backer boards suitable in the OP's case... Yes, Is tanked PB also suitable... Yes.

I respect that you don't feel the same Deano but nothing you have said has made me change my mind or way of thinking... So far :lol:


Tanking taped or siliconed brickbond knauf aquapanel cement board, really ? its an early debate, are we talking domestic or commercial installation..:hurray:
Knauf Wet Area Linings - Intro & Components
Aquapanel tell you to tank it as it is not waterproof but only if you ask it's not affected by water but water goes through it :pete where are you in Berkshire ?

Colour Republic

i think its pistols at forty paces time , all this arguing is not helping the guy out who posted the thread.

I disagree, firstly because it's not pistols at dawn but because he can see a debate going on and make his own mind up. I don't think anybody has advised him to keep the ply, so he can either either go down the route of tanked PB, backer boards or one of the other offerings in this thread. I'd say there is enough info on pros and cons in the thread to see what sits right with him.

Diamond Pool Finishers

i will just drop a little one in here and say that manufactures , keep bringing -out new products, all the time ,in the hope that they will hit the jack-pot,! this does not mean the products are all good in fact some are rubbish and end-up dropping by the wayside , and this takes me round to a thread i started a while back who is now leading the tile industry its not tilers anymore its the manufactures !! we have become sheep in a good way......

Colour Republic

still better than pb :lol:



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Diamond Pool Finishers

Well i have just looked at ,Gyproc Moisture Resistant , but BS is in the name what does Resistant mean? exactly that, and not Proof ! it says its a suitable base for tiling in wet use areas ( Green in colour ) according BG it should not be used in shower cubicles anyway !! or ordinary PB for that matter!!!
British Gypsum do Glasroc H Tilebacker so it would appear that BG have even changed there stance recently . so plasterboard users STOP YOU ARE OUT OF DATE lol, things in the building industry change so fast lately we all get left behind !!

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