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tbh this is the first time ive had to tile over a floating floor.the floor feels solid and doesnt bounce plus its not guna have alot of heavy foot traffic over it. what experience have you had with floating floors then CJ. the ceramic tiled floor that was down previously was absoultely fine with no signs of cracks or any tiles lifting.
any way thanks for that bit of info guys. i will go ahead and tile it and hope for the best......fingers crossed.
Although relatively small tiles can be fixed directly onto small areas of tongued and grooved floating floors using specialist products such as weber.set WF21 or weber.set rapid flex, a much more secure solution is to fix a second board over the existing timber. This increases the rigidity of the floor and prevents localised movement, thus making it a far better substrate for tile fixing. If a water-resistant tile backer-board is used to overboard, it will virtually eliminate any moisture related movement.