Hi All, new member with the same problem, requesting advice on how to create a successful barrier. Summary:- 1) New house build in 2009. 2) The house is installed with a Gyvlon screed on downstairs and first floor. 3) I have suffered delamination on all floors where tiles have been fitted. 4) I have now lifted one bathroom floor and all the tiles had lost their bond to the floor apart from one
tile that was fixed to the point where the drain went through the floor, this area was back filled with a normal
cement based mortar. 5) When the tiles were lifted the floor was covered in a crystals which I now realise were Etringate crystals and the calcium sulphate floor was covered in small corrosion pits, each containing substantial crystal growth. I now have a relatively good understanding of the problem and as a client of a new build property am quite (no very) surprised that the building
community, i.e. floor supplier, adhesive supplier, builder and tiling subcontractor can let such a problem arise, particularly when so much is written about the issue! Also discussing the issue with my building contractor, the tiling supplier and also the flooring supplier, none of them realised this problem exists. I have two questions, I am looking for advice about what product I can use to create a clear barrier in the bathroom that I am currently replacing and the second question is I have a very large tiled area in the downstairs kitchen that has suffered total delamination and I need a repair method that will enable me to lift individual loose tiles and treat the underlying area before re-bedding the
tile. I recognise that the answer to both of the above two questions may be the same as long as the barrier thickness is small enough not to lift the
tile in the second example. I also have another complication, that I only have 4 spare tiles and they are no longer available so I need a successful & easy method of removing the
cement from tiles? So any help would be appreciated!