S stevee May 2, 2009 #4 strap up, mind blowing mate , great work, how long have you tiling john? steve
T Time's Ran Out May 2, 2009 #6 Many thanks to Faithhealer for highlighting my album! My son (little john) and I have 45 years tiling experience between us and as stated in my first post of February this year I hope to pass on a bit knowledge (and learn some)! Thanks again! John.
Many thanks to Faithhealer for highlighting my album! My son (little john) and I have 45 years tiling experience between us and as stated in my first post of February this year I hope to pass on a bit knowledge (and learn some)! Thanks again! John.
D david campbell May 2, 2009 #7 love the work m8! the victorian stuff is really good! do you do a lot of it?
T Time's Ran Out May 2, 2009 #8 The next album will be Victorian.(sound like a pop group)! I'am still getting the hang of uploading pictures to size! John.
The next album will be Victorian.(sound like a pop group)! I'am still getting the hang of uploading pictures to size! John.
W wivers May 2, 2009 #9 Quality matey. Do you happen to have Will Scarlet and Friar Tuck working with you too?? 🙂