Tips on using an angle grinder

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Thanks for the replys, I would keep the guard on for safety.
If the disc is on the left and you are slowly pulling is the blade not cutting upwards and causes porential chips?

I never cut in one pass. Usually back and forth a couple of times just shy of the final cut line, but last cut is pulled towards me.
I use a makita variable and CK850 akkumax usually.
No chips.
I never cut in one pass. Usually back and forth a couple of times just shy of the final cut line, but last cut is pulled towards me.
I use a makita variable and CK850 akkumax usually.
No chips.
Ok thanks I have a few tiles to practice on so will try both cutting blade on left and right. Like the idea of dust etc flying away from me rather than at me to be honest.
Just found it a little awkward to see the cut line with the guard on, may need to try adjust it a few different ways.
If you have blade on right as Julian does, guard parallel to tile watch cut line from behind blade, its easy to see @JulianSidney
Just compensate with measurements to cut on right side of line.
I have my blade on the left and pull cut gently.
I can see the line and cuts are fine.

I just can't do it! Feels too cack-handed to me ...

🙂 Oh no! That’s not for you Mark. 😀

I’m still trying to get my head around your explanation of how you use your grinder. 😛

Praps I should actually try it first.
But surely on anything over 1200, your blade gets insanely hot?
And we wonder blades don’t cut cleanly? 😱
I cut from above and always in the direction of the blade rotation. Two hands on the body of the grinder and guard on!
I'm still trying to figure out if I'm actually being really thick here. It is totally possible I guess!
OK, I start by lightly scoring my line with the blade, probably .5mm then I'll work up and down that line on the waste side to about half way through. Final cut I'll pull the grinder towards me.
Hey, maybe wrong but it works for me!
I'm still trying to figure out if I'm actually being really thick here. It is totally possible I guess!
OK, I start by lightly scoring my line with the blade, probably .5mm then I'll work up and down that line on the waste side to about half way through. Final cut I'll pull the grinder towards me.
Hey, maybe wrong but it works for me!
Not about being wrong Mark, nothings wrong if it works is it.
So you actually cut thro glaze in direction of blade rotation then?
I just didn’t read it that way initially mate, that’s all.

I do find personally tho, if I just try to cut .5 mm initially, I tend to do more damage.
I’m sure that probably says more about me than the technique. 😛
Those of you that have one....

When using the angle grinder on a rail system..... does that cut all the way through the tile in one pass?


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