Topps Tiles Ergo Manual Tile Cutter

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Hey Marc. I'm the same as you with the models. I believe there is a fair amount of difference in the breaking pressure between them. With the max giving the greatest. But then you can interchange most handles. It's a shame the Sigma rep isn't still on here. I for one could do with a heads up on them. I need a 1200 cutter for a job in a few weeks time.
Yeah with u there Paul,
@Sigma UK are still registered, not been on since May 2015 tho.
Hi Marc, what Antonio is try ing to explain is that on the max series you push away from yourself to score the tile, then draw the handle back to about 10-15mm from the edge closest to the bar then lift the handle up and a spring mechanism will flick the breaker down then you break the tile the same way as you would with the traditional pull handle. with the klick klock its the same scoring procedure as the max but the handle has a hindge on it just above the main rail, which you then lift up and judge the breaking pressure yourself by pressing down on the tile after you've scored it, again 10-15mm from the edge.
Pull handle for speed
Klick klock handle slower but better at breaking tougher tiles (plus less sore on the wrist be cause of the reverse scoring act)
Max handle for the toughest of tiles, which its great for.


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