Topps Tiles Ergo Manual Tile Cutter

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Klick klock is different than the traditional pull and score in that you 'push' to score, much easier on the wrist on a tile thats hard to score, also the breaking action allows you to successfully break tougher tiles with more control. The max series is the same 'push' to score, but the cutting well is 19mm and on a pond bearing which allows for much easier scoring of rough textured tiles, the breaking foot is also 100mm wide so increases the pressure for the breaking of very hard tiles. Its much slower than pull and score, but can easily and consistently break tiles that the pull handle simply couldn't look at. the klick klock sort of falls in-between these two systems. hope that all make some sort of sense lol
good @LEE MAC :thumbsup::thumbsup:
I think the max handle is a lot quicker than any of the pull cutters.
I never ever got on with a pull cut machine & when I tried a max series I thought now that's the cutter for me.
I've never had the foot clog up on me but I keep my cutters clean & use wd40 Silicon spray on them & they work as good as new.
I would say if you are used to using a Rubi then I would stick to a max series cutter.
A play about with them for a few days & you will ever look back.
Haha cheers Stef. :thumbsup:
Now I'm no better off cos that's what I'm using now and I am getting on with it! Haha
Oh well, dum de dum de dum! 😀
This has confirmed for me that you work for topps!

If you look at my first post, I said I did indeed work for Topps. My comment is pretty much repeating what we've been told by the manufacturer and seems to be a big problem with the "it shatters things" arguement. Not much on the clinker though. I think the 630 is still knocking about in a fair few vans!
I'm tempted by a Sigma for my first proper cutter. I've only ever used the Ru..... the other one, for merchandising etc, and I can't get over the fact that so many rate Sigma over anything else. Just the pull to score, seems a bit of an alien concept to me. Could get the push but don't know what the advantages/disadvantages between the pull/push. Need to find someone who's got one and have a play me thinks 🙂
You can always get the pull or push and see how you get on as sigma do sell them separately as someone has mentioned above. Think they are about £50!
It's not knowing what size to get that holding me back at the moment! Go massive or go home I guess! Lol


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