Hi guys, thanks for all the comments but tiling is a no go for me i'm afraid, if anyone needs to speak to me about items for sale this is my mobile number
07984458770, if anyone neds to speak to me on a land line i will PM you my home number, thanks agin lads.
its sad mate but if the guys add his fill maybe his best doing this i dont think he will be the last , some days i feel like saying f--k it to that big pot of ££ is not just around the corner. you got to get out they and find it 12 hrs a day some times :icon9:
356 Diamond Drill Set (Kitchen and Bathroom Set) Unused, £25.00.
Draper sprit levels, 1200mm and 600mm in padded case, again Unused, £25.00
Thanks. Btw the spirit levels are not the real cheapo ones, they are a top quality set bought from Northern Tools.🙂