Discuss voting for member of the year in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.

John Benton

I'm just messing, I'd rather someone else won it to be honest, I've had more than my fair share of free stuff over the last 12 months. I'm very humbled to think that the members have such a high opinion of me.

They don't Bri, it's just like the Thomas Hitzlsperger and Tom Daley situation really :sofahide: just a sympathy vote :lol: but I bet you have a cleaner tool than those two.
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Mr Tiler

I voted for rainsco for his outstanding craftsmanship and posts about his work. Jonnyc would have been my runner up for exactly the same reasons as rainsco. Mr T Bag would have got bronze for all his enthusiasm and broard shoulders.
Thanks houston i dont feel i deserve a holiday to egypt just for joining the site and ranting for 12 months either mate lol.


Only fair that we stick to original rules .
good poll though and I think it shows that the sir ramic and bri are rightly esteemed to be the the top members of the year .
they both put a load of work and good posting throughout the year.
take mr tea bag out of the equation and the rest have been adjudged pretty equally to have contributed something that is worthy of votes.
For me you can't split the two and I am really glad that they have been recognised above the rest.
and then we come to ash .
i missed your very early posts to the forum and then it was hard to catch up!,,
I am sure that if you don't catch the other two you won't be bothered one jot.
i have only been a member a few years but I think you are certainly unique and whereas I was cringing at times at the beginning and getting peed off at the way you were treated at other times , your journey has turned from being exasperating to wonderment for me that you have obviously learnt loads and you are giving some correct advice out to newcomers!!,
you have had downs and ups but having only just recently revealed that you used to box maybe we should have known better.
there should be a special award to you for just for almost knowing what you have to do before you have done much tiling.
it is almost as if you have enrolled in a tiling course on this forum and the members have all been your tutor and I and all of us will be really proud I think if you make a go of this as your living.
not a short course for you mr tea bag . You've gone a full 15 rounds many times over and always get up off the canvas for more !! ,
in a year that I think most regulars will feel that the forum has got a bit stale , you have made the biggest contribution in keeping things alive.
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Mr Tiler

haha used to matey was mainly a punchbag :sofahide: lol. thank you for that insightful post mate its so nice to get these sort of comments towards as you said after all that stuff at the beginning lol. I think many members on here feel I am still not ready or anywhere near capable at being a 'real tiler' and maybe they are rite but one thing I do know is a lot of the members actually started out without any knowledge what so ever so for me to stop my life for 12 months and mainly gain knowledge from sitting on a website I think that is enough if I was still a young lad I could of chosen different but that's life. and now its time for me to hopefully over the next 12 months reap a little bit of reward even if I get 5 paid jobs this year I will be happy with the results. at least im making a start. thanks buddy :thumbsup:

Mr Tiler

lmao john... yeh I jonny I think it is time to get out there and get to know some of the tile shop people. I think I may be seen as a bit of a cowboy in the shops but what does that matter as long as they are getting my custom... have to say tile choice are the most welcoming and enthusiastic tile shops I have been in so far. and I guarantee 5 jobs will be the lowest I already have a couple lined up for when I go self employed wont be at full wack though but after these jobs everything will be full price as I am certainly in it for the money aswell as the passion lol cheers guys

Reply to voting for member of the year in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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