White Room
Whats the difference between wet ufh or electric, it's all heat which could effect the tiles.
The client has decided to go with Topps Stardust having been reassured they are fine with UFH from the manufacturer.
Someone, either Topps or the Stardust supplier said the Galaxy granite was a composite tile as well. I was a bit surprised as when I looked, it seemed to have a depth of colour and variation the Stardust just doesn't have. Wonder what's going on there.
So looks like I'll go with the Vitrex cutter suggested as well.
Whats the difference between wet ufh or electric, it's all heat which could effect the tiles.
Well exactly. I am promised a data sheet explaining all tomorrow and the commissioning procedure for the UFH.
It all sounds bonkers to me and I'm not convinced by what I've been told. But the client has been convinced, didn't go with my Galaxy granite suggestion which I think looks better anyway and in this case, would even be cheaper.
Makes you wonder sometimes.
Galaxy Granite isn't a composite tile..
It's not a resin bonded tile (as far as I know)
I just used it as a feature in a pub.
Watch those tiles with UFH as they might curl.