What do retired tilesetters do

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I don't know where or how to start a new thread,seriously,maybe you can direct me Dave,but here's a topic I wouldn't mind getting some feedback on.What do retired tilesetters do besides opening a tile website(which isn't going to happen if you don't know how to even start a new thread),seriously,since my cancer operation I just can't tile like I used to,my physical energy just isn't there,and out of my 8 kid's ,5 are still at home,I'm still doing small jobs,but they're not always readily available as they seem to be the gravy for doing a good bigger job,for example,you make good money doing backsplashes but you usually only get them as a reward for doing a good kitchen floor,you get the idea.But like a few that have gone before me I'm sure,I find myself in a hell of a position,I've been setting tile for 27yrs this July,always ,well 99.7% of the time,loving my work and not having much of a bother about the future or the time to think about it,and no,with a family this size there is no savings.But just thought I'd throw that out there,see if something doesn't tweak my thought waves.
Hey Dave,do you guys need an overseas Friday Toonz moderator?Anyhow guys/gals,let's get some ideas rolling,realistic or not,could be funny to see where most of our heads are at,cheers,Mike:smilewinkgrin:
hi mike

after 27 yrs fixing tile is there anything you dont know about tilesetting

are there any jobs going in training youngsters to tile
What about looking for a career in adhesive/grout manufacture? What I mean is a technical position or sales representative - your knowledge will be priceless to these companies, who as a rule only employ patter merchants that take 6 months to learn the basics:lol:

Or like Mikethetile says, training newbies - big business over here.
hi boots

hope you get back to your best soon mate :thumbsup:

why dont you get nvq assessed and teach??? all that experience shouldnt go to waste mate..

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Hi Mike, I agree with above. Teaching maybe, I have been offered a couple of jobs, I must admit after 43yrs tiling. I might be looking to get off my knees. I am just testing the water re: heritage work, which involves restoration of old tiling work. With your experience you could get paid for what you know, rather than what you do. Good luck mate:thumbsup:
NVQ's in canada...:lol:.. nah!!!...

Have you hobbies that can transpire into something bigger mike..?..

How about a slot on the TCA...lol lol.. you never know buddy..:thumbsup:


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