what has tilers forums done for you?

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well were to start first of all when i joined this forum 2 years ago (seems like only yesterday) this forum gave me the confidence and the advise to set up in business, how to tackle customers, payments,and also to avoid cold callers which i nearly fell for.

also ive met a great bunch of people on here some face to face who are the most down to earth people you could ever meet. It also helped me gain work and most importantly gain new friends.

id also thank this forum for giving me ounces of confidence being a 21 year old starting out was really difficult and no members have ever treated me different due to my age

even though i decided a few months back to go back and sub contract to a firm im happier now than when i was im earning regular money for the time being and im still using all the methods now in any of my work.

i could rant all day to be honest so a big thank you to all forum members:thumbsup:
IT gave me herpies, crabs and warts in the first week of being here....and that was just through talking to Dan.
Prety much the same,
Its good to come to a place where everybody takes pride in there workmanship.
Altho the 1 thing i find that really worries me is the lack of structure to ur tiling industry, hell the whole of the building industry in ur region.


i find the forum interesting as the way things are done in other country's different ways different methods diff styles it also helps to learn of new products and methods as for the people on the forum///////////////

there a top notch bunch and deff worth the time :8:
I’ll just do bullet points because I’m knackered and just about to go to bed.

1. TF has made me earn more money by checking out what other tilers charged for similar jobs.
2. TF provides immediate (in most cases) response to questions I have asked. Even when I’m on a job I log in via mobile and get answers within minutes.
3. TF has got me tiling work when I replied to an add in the ‘Im looking for a wall & floor tiler’ section.
4. TF has given me confidence.
5. TF is now part of my job description and is a necessary tool for tiling.
6. TF is a great community that I am proud to be part of.

TF keeps me from my bed and I always wake up knackered after spending too much time looking at interesting threads!

Good night.

Yes mate 3 weeks wivout it nearly killed me....but at least ive got some feeling back in my right wrist 🙂

Do you sit on it first so it feels like someone else?

Did i really say that out loud???? 😕


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