what has tilers forums done for you?

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I think the Tilers Forum provides a incredible sounding off and knowledge hub for tilers, retailers and manufacturers of ALL levels and experience :thumbsup:

I find the interaction between newbies and lads that have been fixing all their working life very refreshing and would like to think that it is only helping assist in creating a much better impression of our trade to both visiting guests and future customers :smilewinkgrin: At the end of the day if newbies can come on here and pick up better working practices and carry them on into jobs, evrybody is happy - better than self teaching and getting into all sorts of bother:mad2::lol: lads that don't listen and know it all will eventually get tiling done away with😛rrr:

For too long there has been an attitude to new tilers and I think this forum has and is going a long way to breaking that barrier down :thumbsup:

In addition to this I do, as previously said, find it great to be able to come on and discuss matters with like minded tilers who may have experienced things that I haven't in the last 20 years, and vice versa, and it's nice to know I can bounce ideas around without any 'god did you not know that' edgy attitude :mad2:

Nobody knows everything, but everybody knows something:thumbsup:
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I have found tilers forums a great help in my quest to become a tiler, and to get through other situations and problems not covered on training courses.
Thanks to Dave and Dan and all of you experienced tradesmen, I am getting the job done...... :thumbsup:
Firstly, hello all again - I have several excuses/reasons for my absence , all of them pretty good ones! 😉 However, that said, it's nice to see you all again!

What have I taken from here? For me, it has been a good place to "catch up" on what has been happening whilst I have been retired. It has also drawn my attention to my own increasingly noticeable memory loss - you know the old saying; "I have forgotten more than you will ever learn", that anyone that is time-served will remember from the "good old days" of yore. Well, I can claim now to have forgotten more than I ever learned. This is where I have refreshed some of that long-lost knowledge and, hopefully, passed on one or two things that have helped others a little, before my mind is like the Daily Mail, empty in other words! 😀

Thank you all for your help in my mind quest!

TF Has helped me keep upto date with the everything new in the trade. New ideas and contacts. i have found a lot of work through the website. I have worked woth a lot of tilers from the website too. I have laughed so much at some threads, shocked at others, sped home to read new replies to on-going threads.
I wonder how some of you find time to tile with all the posts you post!
Great site!
The tilers forum is invaluable for any new or inexperienced tilers.For a time served old fogie like me, it is priceless because it helps me keep up with all the changing technology within the tiling industry.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
As I'm still very new to tiling I can use tilersforums to search through and find tonnes of info, and if I can't find what I'm looking for I know I can ask and someone will know the answer.

When you start out on your own it is (was for me anyway) very daunting, but with tilersforums it's like you're not on your own. Everyone on here is so friendly.

I expect I will still be asking lots of stupid/easy/obvious questions!

For me Tilers Forums has been a support network for when I've been scratching my head, muttering unmentionable expletives and generally thinking 'I have no idea how...' or 'Is this right....'

Several times since I stared out a builder / plumber / plasterer has questioned my methods or reasoning and having this site as a back-up to throw ideas around or get expert advice has been an absolute life saver.

I've also found that the content on TF has helped keep me in the loop, expanded my knowledge base, given me fresh ideas for taking my business forward and given me access to suppliers that I wouldn't otherwise have used! Cheers Chris :thumbsup::hurray:
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i reckon without this site id be making some foul ups, totally awesome font of knowledge at your fingertips

since i started out ive done around 18 tiling jobs and the info available on hear allows me to talk to customers with an air of confidence

fair play dan & dave for putting your own time into this, steve:thumbsup:
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tile forum gave me a meaning to my life a new hope for my humanity a search to find my inner peace opps thats yoga or something like that my favorite thing about tile forum is the collective input of so many tradesmen


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