what would be your ten commandments of tiling??

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"Always get the customers okay before doing anything",I've had customers come back at me when I've done extra without they're permission,One time I actually had to remove Silicon from behind a sink because the customer didn't want any Silicon ,I wasn't even charging him for it but had to go back to remove it,now I don't do anything without they're definate acknowledgement,Cheers,Mike
Customer to have tiles ordered/paid for and on site before work starts.

Can't tile without tiles.......

Start ripping out on a Monday only for the customer to say the tiles should be here next Friday.:mad2:

Surely i'm not the only person that happens to.
the 6 p rule. proper planning prevents **** poor practice

always supply your own materials

never ever cut round a sink or toilet. looks disgusting. even if the customer asks for it, just take the sanitary ware out and do it properly.

no mates rates for anyone. my mum pays full whack for any work.

no haggling. if i could do it cheaper then i would, so dont ask.

no matter how easy they say the job is on the phone, it probably isnt, so no quotes without first seeing the job.

diy store tiles (b&q, homebase, focus, etc) are likely to be useless, so don't buy them.

never use all in one adhesive and grout.

always do the work to a standard you would accept in your home.

always be nice and polite no matter how much the customer is being a nightmare
  • Thou shall remember to clean tools after every use.
  • Thou shall not tile above sanitary ware without using adequate dust sheeting/protection.
  • Thou shall always take butties or remember to pickup the wallet. Can't tile on an empty stomach.
  • Thou shall not get in a price war. The job costs what it costs and if somebody can do it cheaper at least you know the job will come around again much earlier than it should have done if done right the first time.
  • Thou shall not do a bad job as it can take 10 more good ones to get your reputation back to normal (given the fact that a customer that has a good job tells one other person on average, though a customer that has a bad job tells 10 on average).
  • Thou shall put a bit to one side on during good times for rainy days that are often inevitable.

I can only think of 6 without repeating what's been said already. 🙂
always be nice and polite no matter how much the customer is being a nightmare

unless they are deliberately playing up and owe you thousands of pounds and keep inventing snags that dont exist, then you have to be firm and issue court proceedings
commandment no 10....'turning water into wine'..

or in this commandment, 'your price for fixing 20 meters of ceramic tiles miraculously turned into marble when you've arrived at the job!!!
Always leave nice holes !


The customer WILL peek behind your capping off pipe concealers.

Thou hast been warned so thy best cut nice holes.



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