Who has been ripped off ??

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Put it down to experience and dont make the mistake again. Easy said but the only way to move on.
Just wondered who has been ripped off by any builders, plumbers or companies ?
So far has only happened to me once, and recently. stupidly gave a phone estimate to a plumber that I know for 60 sq m of ceramic floor tiling at £20 per metre plus adhesive and grout. Based my adhesive on coverage of 20kg per 4 sq metres. He said "dont worry Nick, I won't hold you to the price, just need a ball park figure.
Went to look at job but in an off moment I didn't look properly so didn't realise all the extras.
Needed 8 bags of self leveller at £19.00 per bag. Plus labour for self levelling.
Also used 2 x 2.5 metre lengths of Schluter stair nosing trim for steps at £30 each, plus labour for tiling 5 steps. There was 10 metres to fix on the diamond into 5 doorways and cut around the architraves. Also spent 4 hours cleaning and vacuuming sawdust and crap from my grout lines that his other tradesmen had left, plus various other extras.

By the way I told him about all the extras as I was going along & he said "no problem just get on with it & we will sort it out at the end.

He ended up refusing to pay me for £450.00 of extras - I was gutted, especially as I did 14 hr nights to get the job done on time for him.

Sure other people have been ripped off more.
Since found out that this plumber drives a Ferrari and has been bankrupt a few times and rips loads of people off.
qbviously a mearchant banker lf.what goes around comes around.
Just wondered who has been ripped off by any builders, plumbers or companies ?
So far has only happened to me once, and recently. stupidly gave a phone estimate to a plumber that I know for 60 sq m of ceramic floor tiling at £20 per metre plus adhesive and grout. Based my adhesive on coverage of 20kg per 4 sq metres. He said "dont worry Nick, I won't hold you to the price, just need a ball park figure.
Went to look at job but in an off moment I didn't look properly so didn't realise all the extras.
Needed 8 bags of self leveller at £19.00 per bag. Plus labour for self levelling.
Also used 2 x 2.5 metre lengths of Schluter stair nosing trim for steps at £30 each, plus labour for tiling 5 steps. There was 10 metres to fix on the diamond into 5 doorways and cut around the architraves. Also spent 4 hours cleaning and vacuuming sawdust and crap from my grout lines that his other tradesmen had left, plus various other extras.

By the way I told him about all the extras as I was going along & he said "no problem just get on with it & we will sort it out at the end.

He ended up refusing to pay me for £450.00 of extras - I was gutted, especially as I did 14 hr nights to get the job done on time for him.

Sure other people have been ripped off more.
Since found out that this plumber drives a Ferrari and has been bankrupt a few times and rips loads of people off.

brake fluid on the cars paintwork tends to upset them, but what do I know:whatchutalkingabout
better with coca cola mate full of acid oops did i say that out loud

try it with a dirty penny lol

just finished 25 sqm bathroom with tiled bath panel 2 boxing in to build 4 sqm floor with 9mm no more ply and all materials. plumber turns up and says heres your £500 thanks for that. it cost around £250 for materials. so i have made £250 in 3 days. told him to stuff it and managed to get £600 out of him.
If it's a plumber that you know then I wouldn't be letting it go without a damn nasty drity fight, and if in the end I still had not got what was owed to me, it will have cost him far far more one way or another than what was owned to me.

But that's just me.
It started about the time of black Wednesday had about 6 sub’s working for me just brought a nice 4 bed house in Beaconsfield big mortgage and the builders started dropping like fly’s so did the house prices even shamed one of them in the local press still no money some of the guys accepted day rate which helped the some wouldn’t the ones that did I kept on the others went any way I am still at it earning a crust (dave & gaz I took a battering if you know what I mean):lol:


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