Worst job ever :south africa 1996

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well the next story is as weird as it is bizarre.
but i have just realised that i am ahead of myself.
i have to get paid for what i think i am due and if this is settled in a manner befit of gentlemen ,then i cannot divulge the nature of the works although i would love to!!
Come on Jonny give us another one, your stories make my two death threats seem tame. I think this game is hard enough without fearing for your life.:yikes:
sorry , didnt mean it like that . reality is that i have spent loads of time on this project . not sure how end result will be. i really want to share it but cannot if i am paid what i think i am due.
Come on Jonny give us another one, your stories make my two death threats seem tame. I think this game is hard enough without fearing for your life.:yikes:
phil .we had a laugh together about your usa story after my post about s.africa adventure.
those were the days eh!!
a bit of danger always spices the mundanity of life up!!
would love to hear of some other stories of crazy clients
not sure about crazy customers but I have worked with a few mad men in my times ,one guy was mr. road rage and would be picking fights with any road user that dared to get in his way,to put it politely he was a bit of a bully but eventyually got his come uppance on a building site when he picked on a guy who walked across a floor he had just swept ready for tiling ,the bully tiler got in his face and squared up to him and the guy knocked the daylights out of him and gave him a kicking when he was downed ,every one on site was pleased that the bully got a hiding as he had been agressive to pretty much every one he had come across


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