Electrical Advice

Horse stables Electrical Advice

Horse stables Discussion ThreadHorse stables Electrical Advice

We're having a horse stable built consisting of a tack room and 2 stables. We need a light in each of the 3 rooms, 2 PIR flood lights 50w led and 2 power sockets - 1 in the tack room and one outside. All installations will be sufficiently IP rated. Wiring will be through metal conduit where required and switches on the outside of the 2 stables.
Planning on running armoured cable from house CU to CU in stable. Cable length...

New EICR - editable PDF certs Electrical Advice

New EICR - editable PDF certs Discussion ThreadNew EICR - editable PDF certs Electrical Advice

We have been updating our certs and have created the new EICR that will come with the next amendment. You can insert your own logo and the signature fields also take an image if you need to email them to your customer. You will be prompted for the report number. Please RTFM!!!!! All the usual bits, no warranty, liability etc, just enjoy!😀

Perhaps admin can make this a sticky...

Adding test switch to emergency lighting Electrical Advice

Adding test switch to emergency lighting Discussion ThreadAdding test switch to emergency lighting Electrical Advice

I’m at the funeral directors clients at the moment testing their EM lights.
Only the newer lights I put in have a test switch fitted.
I’ll be recommending addition lights in the WC and staff rooms. Pitch dark in there.

There are 2 other EM lights above exit doors… they have been replaced in the past with LED, but there is no, and never has been, a local test...

How much surge in voltage should be in the surge protector? (Min and Max range) Electrical Advice

How much surge in voltage should be in the surge protector? (Min and Max range) Discussion ThreadHow much surge in voltage should be in the surge protector? (Min and Max range) Electrical Advice


I live in the Middle East. I have between 220V to 230V. I bought surge protectors for AC and other appliances such as PC and TV.

The upper limit voltage in surge protectors is 255V and the lower is 170V.

How does the manufacturer calculate the normal voltage? (for my surge protector...

Turn signal problem Electrical Advice

Turn signal problem Discussion ThreadTurn signal problem Electrical Advice

My car a highly modified 1951 Studebaker, which was professionally wired (but with some issues I had to fix) now has a problem with the turn indicators. They had been working normally until recently. Now they work just fine as long as the head lights ae off. As soon as the headlights or parking lights are turned on the flashing stops. Also, the 4-way flashers also do not work when the headlights or parking...

Wireless socket tester Electrical Advice

Wireless socket tester Discussion ThreadWireless socket tester Electrical Advice

I often conduct EICRs alone. I'm curious if there is a socket tester on the market that can transmit to a handheld unit. The idea was that I could flick switches at the board without running up 4 flights of stairs to check whether it was the right one. Or failing that, a socket tester that makes a seriously loud sound when live.

Wireless socket tester for the original thread on Electricians...

Today I experienced the worst electric shock my career Electrical Advice

Today I experienced the worst electric shock my career Discussion ThreadToday I experienced the worst electric shock my career Electrical Advice

Today, I experienced the most severe electrical shock of my career. Fortunately, I'm here to write about it. I've been replaying the situation in my mind, analysing what I could have done differently to prevent it. The most crucial takeaway is this: ALWAYS ASSUME ALL EXTERNAL METAL LIGHTS ARE LIVE UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE.

Here's what...

Generator Earthing Electrical Advice

Generator Earthing Discussion ThreadGenerator Earthing Electrical Advice

We’ve recently completed the first and second fix of a barn conversion that is off grid with solar PV, batteries and a back up generator.

This was always the case that it was going to be off grid however as we have little experience in working with any off grid systems we specifically said at the start that the final connection would need to be either made or designed by the company fitting solar PV, generator...

Looking for Commercial Electricians? - Some basic rules to follow Electrical Advice

Looking for Commercial Electricians? - Some basic rules to follow Discussion ThreadLooking for Commercial Electricians? - Some basic rules to follow Electrical Advice

If you're looking for Commercial Electricians then please click here to post a new thread for each position available.

Looking for a Commercial Electrician Rules​

  1. Never use the public threads to exchange details, always use the forum's private messaging system to then share mobile numbers or...

Boosted 7.5kw shower? Electrical Advice

Boosted 7.5kw shower? Discussion ThreadBoosted 7.5kw shower? Electrical Advice

Hi, i am wondering if anyone has any experience with a 7.5-8kw shower that has a pump or some sort of boost internally fitted? Working at a hotel and there is a 9.5kw shower on a 6mm cable quite a distance from the c/u and with insulation likely on top as the isolator switch was melted. I recommended downrating the shower to 7.5 or 8kw to help with this problem and prevent it happening again.
I recently...

Join The E2GO Fantasy Football League For Monthly Prizes! Electrical Advice

Join The E2GO Fantasy Football League For Monthly Prizes! Discussion ThreadJoin The E2GO Fantasy Football League For Monthly Prizes! Electrical Advice

[ElectriciansForums.net] Join The E2GO Fantasy Football League For Monthly Prizes!

Join our Fantasy Football League for chances to win an Amazon gift voucher every month and a football shirt of your choice at the end of the season!

Quick Join

If you already have a Premier League Fantasy Football account and are all ready to...

Running cable over / through garage blockwork Electrical Advice

Running cable over / through garage blockwork Discussion ThreadRunning cable over / through garage blockwork Electrical Advice

I am finishing up my NAPIT LCL training, got all of my modules, 18th edition and I+T all done- heading out to support another sparky as a freshly retrained 53 year old. Just doing the final design assignment to finish up the course, which involves a virtual garage extension to a house, built in rendered blockwork. I have to spec out the whole job, which is...

Socket Tester recommendations Electrical Advice

Socket Tester recommendations Discussion ThreadSocket Tester recommendations Electrical Advice

I’m looking to build my tools back up after a bit of bad luck. I’ve bought some screwdrivers, cutters etc. I’m just making a list of what I had. I’m just after a socket tester. I’ve seen Fluke now have one that looks very good. I did have just the basic Kewtech.

Socket Tester recommendations for the original thread on Electricians Forums

Old intruder alarm Electrical Advice

Old intruder alarm Discussion ThreadOld intruder alarm Electrical Advice

Hi there
I have been on a job to fix intruder alarm.
Alarm Texecom 1995 very old alarm .
Owner 96 years oldman wanted to replace battery inside the panel. Unfortunately when he took cover down battery fell pulling other cables from terminals. I’ve managed to terminate cables back as I thought they need to be. Now I need help with the siren outside + small siren near the panel. How do I connect them . Obviously...

02 cable install in 01 MCT: please help me explain it Electrical Advice

02 cable install in 01 MCT: please help me explain it Discussion Thread02 cable install in 01 MCT: please help me explain it Electrical Advice



02 cable install in 01 MCT: please help me explain it for the original thread on Electricians Forums

Bug Report: Displays 5 new tool threads on whats new page. Electrical Advice

Bug Report: Displays 5 new tool threads on whats new page. Discussion ThreadBug Report: Displays 5 new tool threads on whats new page. Electrical Advice

Don't know if it's relevant, an intentional change, or a different minor bug completely, but when clicking on "what's new", there's a small section, titled "5 Popular Electricians Tools Thread" that has recently appeared before the list of new posts.
Laptop running Windows 10 and Chrome.

Bug Report: Displays 5 new tool threads on...


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