Plumbing Advice

Plumbing Advice

Underground oil tank feed problem Discussion Thread

Underground oil tank feed problem Discussion Thread

This unit is located in France where they use diesel not kerosene. The feed from the underground tank is not getting through to the boiler. The boiler works fine if I connect the hoses up to a remote tank of diesel. I am assuming that a filter is blocked somewhere but there is nothing between the boiler and the tank. On the top of the tank I can see the return pipe, the supply on/off lever and another pipe which I assume to be the...

Hissing sound from under sink Discussion Thread

Hissing sound from under sink Discussion Thread


So there's a hissing sound coming from underneath my sink that feeds my washing machine and dishwasher. I initially thought it was a weeping connection or a pinhole in an old pipe, so I turned the water off. The hissing was still there but as soon as I drained what was left in my cold tap it stopped. My brother who is not a plumber but has been in the building profession for many years also took a look and neither of us could...

Atkinson Tanktop general info & service advice Discussion Thread

Atkinson Tanktop general info & service advice Discussion Thread

Hi all, we spotted threads on this forum, thought it would be good to create a general thread with some useful advice and service info.

Top off take systems are a bit more complex than standard gravity feed and often certain service aspects are overlooked causing issues down the line....which are then often attributed to the valves themselves.

To my knowledge I don't believe we have actually had a faulty Tanktop valve...

Cold Water Tank In Loft - Cause Of Flood Dispute? Discussion Thread

Cold Water Tank In Loft - Cause Of Flood Dispute? Discussion Thread

Having just moved into a property and discovering the central heating not functioning, after 3 months we eventually was able to get the property management to have one of their heating engineers attend. He was literally here 10mins and in the loft space for 2mins, where he stated he discovered the header tank bone dry and the ballcock jammed, which he said had freed and the water flowed again. This header tank is...

New build flood Discussion Thread

New build flood Discussion Thread

The bottom house of our new build flooded, clear clean water with no smell or noise to indicate a burst pipe and it was a large amount of water in approx 20-30 mins. Third party plumber (hired by builders) couldn’t identify source but confirmed it wasn’t the mains or toilet overflow. We’ve also had boiler and water tank serviced with no issues and confirmed not the overflow. Leads me to believe it must be a drainage issue but fact water was clear...

Strange Fitting? Discussion Thread

Strange Fitting? Discussion Thread

What is this?, its installed between the mains and a electric shower, when the weather gets very hot the (newish) shower stops flowing, its a dedicated flow to the shower.

Strange Fitting? for the original thread on Plumbers Forums

Immersion Heater Leak? Discussion Thread

Immersion Heater Leak? Discussion Thread

Has anyone got any suggestions as to what is going on here?
My 25 year old megaflo cylinder in the airing cupboard has a secondary immersion heater and I noticed the plastic cover felt damp at the bottom, but no signs of drips on the floor below. I removed the cover and saw lots of moisture inside. The cover thread has gone rusty, and there are blue-grey signs of tarnishing or scale or something on the brass mounting. If there's a leak in the...

Getting the right length pan connector for a toilet with plinth Discussion Thread

Getting the right length pan connector for a toilet with plinth Discussion Thread

Hi all,
We recently had to have our toilet pan replaced as the old one cracked. Plumber installed new pan as in pics below, and says we have a choice - 3 inches behind the plinth or 3 inches sticking out over.

This can't be right can it? Is there no solution to get the connection length right?

2 pics below showing replacement install (even the downpipe from the cistern is going back at an angle)

Atkinson tank top oil feed Discussion Thread

Boiler sounds like a plane Discussion Thread

Boiler sounds like a plane Discussion Thread

Can anyone advise why my Worcester Bosch System boiler when heating hot water does this sort of surging/woosh/hum that's a slightly higher pitch than the normal water heating noise noise like a plane taking off every 5 to 15 minutes? It last about 10 to 15 seconds each time. It's very noisy and our old plumber who dealt with our boiler is no longer in business so even though it has done this before we can't remember what it is. Boiler is...

Replaceing Immersion tank with energy efficient system Discussion Thread

Replaceing Immersion tank with energy efficient system Discussion Thread

I am moving into an all electric small flat which has an Elson Opal 144ltr immersion on eco 7. However, the bathroom has been modernised with an electric shower and bath removed, so now ony a bathroom and kitchen sink needs hot water. I was wondering whether the immersion tank could be removed and an instant heat system fitted like the ariston - is this possible, tank and pipeworkk, electrics are all accessible...

water pressure problem, unvented system Discussion Thread

water pressure problem, unvented system Discussion Thread

I'm trying to sort out a problem with low water pressure at my elderly parent's house where they have an unvented system. I got a plumber in about a month ago who repressurised the system, after which it seemed better. However there still seems to be a problem, which is most noticeable with the shower, which my brother says is alright when you turn it on, but the pressure and temperature gradually go down. We got another...

Anyone plumb a DIY hot tub? Discussion Thread

Anyone plumb a DIY hot tub? Discussion Thread

I bought a used acrylic hot tub shell that I plan to sink into the ground in the backyard. The plan is to heat it with a tube/shell exchanger off my thermal store, with a main pump for the jets, and a circulating pump for the filter and heat.
  • anyone know a good place to buy jets, and other hot tub parts?
  • if the system has two pumps, I assume they need to be in parallel. Does one need check valves to prevent back flow through the...


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