What tips have saved you time or money?

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Reading through some of the threads lately, and I clocked that now we are really well established, the comfortablity of sharing knowledge is also established.

So back in the day a tiler perhaps wouldn't have shared something that he thought his local competitor (fellow tiler) wouldn't have benefited from to the point of him perhaps one day undercut him on a job with etc

Yet these days we seem a lot more comfortable bettering a local guys skills and whatnot by sharing tips etc

If you could think of a couple of things that you read in the forum that saved you money and / or time, what would it be?
I don't mind sharing tips and advice with tilers or DIYers it's people looking for tips when they are going to charge someone for a job they haven't got a clue about! Getting late now so will come back when I think of something and have consumed less alcohol!!
Looking at the size of the ankle in not sure I want to see much more. The flooring also tells me it was a rather upmarket establishment...
Back on topic...

I tried something yesterday that I'd seen someone do, use a metal rule to remove shower profiles that have been siliconed to the wall.
Firstly ensure all the screws have been removed :blush: then slide a Stanley knife ( other craft knives are available) in around the top of the profile. Once you have a bit of space work the steel rule in behind the profile. Then push a screwdriver or old chisel in the top between profile and wall. Using a sawing motion work the steel rule down. When it becomes hard move the chisel/screwdriver down to create leverage on the profile.

It's probably how you do it anyway but it was new to me and worked a treat, no damaged tiles or profile.
Over the years of coming on this forum I have read loads of tips that have saved time and money, some old tricks and some new ones, some I had tried before and some I had never herd of. Things like the dog tooth and using ditra to pack out mosaics but the best one for me was when TJ explained to someone how to actually put the 345 method in to practice.

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