
  1. Stevev

    Rusting trowel...........

    One of my trowels are rusting after on a few uses....has anyone got a tip how to stop this happening? many thanks
  2. M

    glass tiles what notch trowel size

    Hi I've a full shower enclosure 1200 x 900 floor to ceiling its to be completely done in 100 x 100 glass tiles they,re 8mm thick and individual not on a back mesh just wanting to confirm what size notch trowel id use i think a mosaic trowel will be too little adhesive . so was thinking of...
  3. C

    Tiling a shower and finding a trowel

    I am just about to tile a shower cubicle. I'm going to use a bal waterproofing kit first. I have been trying to buy a thin bed solid bed trowel to apply the adhesive. Why when I went into two trade supply shops did they looked at me like an alien when I asked if they had any ? One of the...
  4. G

    Kubala 10mm notched trowel

    just had the pleasure of using a kubala 10mm notched trowel, I found it lighter than my Rubi trowel. It was easier to clean as it's made of stainless steel and the handle is all plastic. I've only used it to lay 10m2 of floor tiles but will post another review in a few weeks time to see how well...
  5. F

    Half size trowel....

    I can't remember where. Maybe instagram but I've seen someone using a half length trowel, about 6 inch long, ideal for splash backs, for those of us that aren't too important to tile them. Anyone know where to get them?
  6. B

    Choosing trowel size

    Hey guys I'm going to be laying some basket weave mosaic tiles on my floor and some subway tiles on the walls. Just need some advice on the size trowels required. I have been getting mixed responses. My mosaics will be laid on cement sheet in 300x300 premade mosaic sheets. They are 10mm thick...
  7. M

    Trowel for floor mosaic's

    I have read about trowels for mosaics on walls, around 3/4mm but wondering if this this still applies when using mosaics on the floor. The tiles I got are 5mm thick (see photo). Thanks.
  8. H

    Where's best to get pump sucker pads and 10x6mm trowel for porcel thin

    Following the porcel-thin morning on Friday I'm on hunt for the pump sucker pads and a 10x6mm trowel. Where can I get these from??
  9. P

    Which trowel to use for Schluter Ditra?

    Hi. I'm laying large format porcelain tiles over screen with wet underfloor heating. I'm using Ditra as an uncoupling membrane, with Schulter movement joints at door thresholds. As the title of this thread suggests, I'm not sure which size trowel I should be using under the Ditra. The...
  10. P

    Any Left Handed Tilers on here?

    This may sound like an odd question but we get asked for left handed trowels a lot, so much in-fact that we had a full range of stainless steel trowels made in left and right handed. We were wondering if there are any left handed tilers on the fourm? If so do you buy a left handed trowel or...
  11. D

    Large wall tile trowel.

    Hi guys. Advice on the best trowel to get 100% coverage? Going to install a shower area with 600x300 porcelain tiles. I'm thinking as they are a heavy larger tile I should use the 10mm notched trowel, and back skim. The wall will be pretty flat as I'm reboarding. Is this better or as good as...
  12. F

    Trowel talk - Anybody use customised trowels?

    well, it's been a while since I've fitted anything over 600x600, I've been fitting 800x800 recently onto a reasonably flat floor, using the ragni trowel and a back slim I was getting fair coverage but not what I hoped for, adding a back notch with a small trowel helped a lot but it's more time...
  13. I

    new entry

    raimondi I always used 12x28, or 13x48. Now let's try the middle ground, 13x36. until retirement, are sufficient
  14. F

    Ragni trowel

    They seem highly rated on here for good coverage so I want to try one out, can some one confirm which one is the one. Or
  15. F

    Storing trowels

    I'm fed up of having a bucket with about 10 trowels in taking up precious floor space in the van, has anyone got some storage solution that's gonna change my life ?
  16. P

    Advise On Trowel Type And Which Spacers For Quartz 600x600 Floor Tile

    Hi, Going to be installing over the next few weeks Gulf Quartz floor tiles 600x600 on a concentre floor in the kitchen. Floor will be primed first and tiles back buttered. I have read on this forum different opinions on which type of trowel and size to use - can you please advise best...
  17. F

    15mm Square Notch

    does anyone make them ??
  18. R

    What Toothsize Trowel Do I Need For Solid 5mm Bed?

    The aquapanel / plasterboard walls of my new shower room are close to vertical. So, to make the bedding easier, my idea has been to use small 10 x 10 mm pieces of 5mm thick plastic cut from glazing packers close to each corner, which would ensure that the tiles would be vertical to the...
  19. F

    Favourite Trowel For Porcelain Floor Tiles?

    whats your favourite trowel for getting good coverage on porcelain tiles say 300x300 - 650x450? I've been using a 15mmx15mm (I think) square notch for some time but I think it could be better.
  20. D

    Trowel And Error

    View: Not sure how this is gonna work, but I thought I would share a bit of info for you to think about. If the the link doesn't work...well, sorry.. Looks like it posted, so enjoy.



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