25m2 estimate

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well theres no trim used,even if the customer didnt want it i would strongly suggest it, specially as you have exposed tiles next to the door and washing machine. plus theres no way you have worked the cuts out, you have just set out with full tiles on the corners. plus the positioning of the black insert tiles is rediculous, as if you would put a small black ripped tile next to full white tiles around boxing in or little recesses in a wall. looks totally rushed and not very proffesional. my tip would have been not to return.
well theres no trim used,even if the customer didnt want it i would strongly suggest it, specially as you have exposed tiles next to the door and washing machine. plus theres no way you have worked the cuts out, you have just set out with full tiles on the corners. plus the positioning of the black insert tiles is rediculous, as if you would put a small black ripped tile next to full white tiles around boxing in or little recesses in a wall. looks totally rushed and not very proffesional. my tip would have been not to return.

Oi Sean, enough please, there is no need for that at all and you are out of order pal. There are many different levels of competence on the forum and people learn all the time. Maybe you should learn punctuation and spelling.

well theres no trim used,even if the customer didnt want it i would strongly suggest it, specially as you have exposed tiles next to the door and washing machine. plus theres no way you have worked the cuts out, you have just set out with full tiles on the corners. plus the positioning of the black insert tiles is rediculous, as if you would put a small black ripped tile next to full white tiles around boxing in or little recesses in a wall. looks totally rushed and not very proffesional. my tip would have been not to return.

sean,i think your being a bit harsh here,,3 photos all blurry isnt really fair to be slating this guy,,if the customer wanted no trim then thats that,,do u suggest he finished the corners with cut tiles with no trim as well?
Right my two pence worth.

Im a kitchen and bathrom fitter and have been for the last 9 years (self employed).

I started tiling long before that and since then got into plumbing etc.

I started a new bathroom today, like for like straight swop with 19 mts of ceramics and also laminate floor (like you not my choice!) Also gotta tack and skim the ceiling.

I anticipate being finished by Wednesday next week. I have allowed for starting the tiling on Wednesday (providing any skim i have to add will be dry enough)

19 mts will take me 4 days with soil pipe boxing, end of bath boxing and all reveals and header of window, that tile and grout btw.

Timing is only crucial to your price if they could get someone faster as it could potentially work out cheaper for them. However if you priced it per metre then it could just be you thats out of pocket at the end of it!

Im glad from this post that Sean takes a long time on the windows and its not just me! I go home sometimes and look and think i have only done a few metres!

I think this post just goes to show the speed difference between us all and by the time this thread is finished should show some good results.

Good luck with it :thumbsup:
ok sean ive been tiling for 12 years so sort of know what im doing and as i said its really the customers choice all i can do is try and advise them on the look
i fitted a quartz border tile last month and there is no way on this earth it would stop upright without the aid of a pin and spacers. the tiles were very heavy aswell and even after a day of drying the tiles were wanting to crush the border.i ended up battoning the required space and fitted the tiles above first. i was using mapei grip d1.

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Yes Sean what adhesive did you use on this ? you seam to get everyones back up its good to be neat but it isn't always what it looks like but the whole job that counts
well theres no trim used,even if the customer didnt want it i would strongly suggest it, specially as you have exposed tiles next to the door and washing machine. plus theres no way you have worked the cuts out, you have just set out with full tiles on the corners. plus the positioning of the black insert tiles is rediculous, as if you would put a small black ripped tile next to full white tiles around boxing in or little recesses in a wall. looks totally rushed and not very proffesional. my tip would have been not to return.

I think you are well out of order here... not particularly for your criticism of the work but your manner of attack at another member.

So before you next hit the enter key, i suggest you read what you type.

Some reading for you..>> Forum Rules
Blimey! In the time i wrote my post all hell broke loose!

I reckon Brinkleys tiling is better than his photography (joke guys😳!)
I have just re-read this post, and all I can add. After 43yrs tiling I still don't know every thing about the job. The reason for this I think is because I am humble, I have been called by my fellow tilers on many occasions. A nit picker, by others, a Master craftsman . I am niether. I simply do the best job I can. I do know the easiest job is to pick fault, without knowing the difficulties involved. I would not comment on my fellow tilers work, unless I was perfect. I know I will never be that. I'm Human.


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