Ive just had a call from a manager from my local tesco and he is promoting a business card dispensing machine that has one of each local trade in there. (Which means ill be the only tiler allowed to avertise).The advertising spaces are set for 2 years and coats between £6 - £10 a week but they need a 25% deposit which is about 250 notes.
Bit steap i thought but with the amount of people that would walk past it each day would be thousands.
Just wondering what you other guys think if its a good idea or just another way for someone else to get money from me
Got a meetig with him on friday so i need your opionins pleeeease
Bit steap i thought but with the amount of people that would walk past it each day would be thousands.
Just wondering what you other guys think if its a good idea or just another way for someone else to get money from me
Got a meetig with him on friday so i need your opionins pleeeease