Advertising Question

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This is an angle cold callers use all the time - you will be the only tiler,plumber, doctor etc.. advertising with us blah blah blah...
Its the kind of patter these wall planning con artists come out with too.
They try to make people feel priveliged so that you make an impulse descison based purely on emotion.
You shouldnt have to pay that kind of money just to get cards displayed anywhere - its ridiculous.
You can get a similar if not better result by leafleting cars in DIY stores - especially on a saturday..
I'm always wary of people offering to do my marketing for me - ie middlemen that will always charge a lot and then your budget doesnt stretch so far.
I reckon its usually best to take a direct more personal approach and get your business cards directly into the hands of people you think are you most likely customers.
I'd not touch it with a barge pole mate! They are just trying to shore up their own businesses. Of all the times I've been to Tesco, and ours is a large one, I have rarely if ever seen anyone stop and look at their advertising board because they are invariably placed by the tills and all people want to do is get out.

Best way of drumming up business is to print off 5000 cards and spend a couple of days pounding the pavements in an area you want to work in and on a day their local newspaper isn't delivered. Expect a 4% return rate, which means you could be quoting for 200 jobs over a period of time. Remember that not everyone will want something tiling at once. Do a couple of good jobs in that area and your name will soon fly round.

Good luck!
The 2 year thing spoils it, imho. 3 or 6 months would give a chance to see if it works for you. Perhaps suggest you'd try it on that basis?
If he won't play, it's cost you nothing; if he does, well, you'd soon know if it's worth it.
just rang that guy back from tesco, said i wasnt able to commit to a large contract.

Just gonna advertise in the local rag, then i have that choice of not paying or not paying...

Say i brake my leg next week. i have to shell out 1000 notes for nothing
i would spend the money on a yellow pages ad mate.alot more people will pick that up to look fo a tiler.
I agree, i have been advertising in Focus for the past year on the same type of scheem. it was a total waste of money. I had no calls

Save your money mate
---- is the up and coming way to advertise, i have been in the yellow pages now for about 5 years and i have found that the number of calls from it have dropped. and being set up on the search engines like Yahoo and Google work very well.

We have to get with the times lads. its all at the press of a button these days

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For wot its worth............Yellow pages has'nt been that clever for me..........3rd year now, and to be honest........I don't know why I bother.

Best form of advertising is "WORD OF MOUTH"

Just try and get more jobs under ya belt and put yourself about. Tile shops etc etc, Flyer handed out...........ring around Plumbers,Kitchen fitters etc etc.

It takes time..........don't rush it.:thumbsup:
Just spoke to a mate who's a plumber and he spent nearly a grand on advertising with Homebase using the cards and other forms from them.
He told me it was a complete waste of money,got virtually nothing out of it.
Just remember though, what dosen't work for some people, will work very well for others, but like with anything, it's always a gamble.


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