This is an angle cold callers use all the time - you will be the only tiler,plumber, doctor etc.. advertising with us blah blah blah...
Its the kind of patter these wall planning con artists come out with too.
They try to make people feel priveliged so that you make an impulse descison based purely on emotion.
You shouldnt have to pay that kind of money just to get cards displayed anywhere - its ridiculous.
You can get a similar if not better result by leafleting cars in DIY stores - especially on a saturday..
I'm always wary of people offering to do my marketing for me - ie middlemen that will always charge a lot and then your budget doesnt stretch so far.
I reckon its usually best to take a direct more personal approach and get your business cards directly into the hands of people you think are you most likely customers.
Its the kind of patter these wall planning con artists come out with too.
They try to make people feel priveliged so that you make an impulse descison based purely on emotion.
You shouldnt have to pay that kind of money just to get cards displayed anywhere - its ridiculous.
You can get a similar if not better result by leafleting cars in DIY stores - especially on a saturday..
I'm always wary of people offering to do my marketing for me - ie middlemen that will always charge a lot and then your budget doesnt stretch so far.
I reckon its usually best to take a direct more personal approach and get your business cards directly into the hands of people you think are you most likely customers.