The surface layer is a friable layer that must be removed.
All the contaminates that are in the screed float to the surface.
I'm not exactly clued up from the real technical side of these screeds, our resident expert Ajax is the technical guy for explaining it.
I have never tiled to an calcium screed without the laitance being removed & I never will.
AnhyFix is the adhesive to use, it's sticks like the proverbial.
Thanks at least by the sounds of it I have chosen the right adhesive!
I don't plan on tiling onto it without the laitance being removed either as everything I've read about these screeds the emphasis seems to be on removing the laitance and making sure the screed is dry. Its a shame theres not a bit more info around regarding the importance of the removal time of the laitance as it is hard as hell now!!! I've tried floor scrapers, a saw blade in a floor scraper, wire brush attached to an angle grinder and nothing seems to want to touch it!