charlie ,talking the talk is not walking the walk,as you may know i have over 40 years in this job ,now in my eyes that is a lot of tiles fixed and a lot of experience under my belt ,time served ,no courses which i dont believe in and they teach you next to nothing on the job training one to one ,worked all over the world ,worked for royalty am as good as the next tiler,i always say to the customer you dont pay me untill you are happy ,no one owes me any money ,but it is quiet here
brian, I've no reason to disbelieve any of what you say, hope things pick up for you but here is an interesting comparison you may be able to relate to. Your on holiday with your wife and your looking for somewhere to eat. Right in front of you there are two restaurants with your favourite kind of food but one difference is... One is very busy and you may need to wait 30 mins and one is dead and can serve you right away... What one do you pick?
Would it be the one where the waitress has the biggest ........