Discuss any advice re bad tiling job would be appreciated in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



the plumber was going to come back last sun to finish shower doors, rad , bath panel etc but now this all happened he couldn't come and finish and hes busy for wks so that's another problem , im getting ceiling plastered 2 moz just hope that can be done if tiles are not finished all around room , although wondering if that should have been done first , if this tiler today cant do it or is very expensive I will put another thread on here to see if anyone is local to me
thx for that advice, ive got someone coming at 12 today to have a look, I really cant afford to restart this, and would have to re pay for more tiles, adhesive , grout etc, shes now sayings shes off work, so even if this went to court and I won I would probably get a fiver a mth for next 10 yrs lol, I need to get this job finished now, my daughter and I have been living in a building site since aug, with lots of other prbs gone on aswell as this tiling, not had much luck with trades men. ive decided to have some of the real obvious things redone and put up with some of the minor mistakes, I just don't have the money to have all this redone sadly , that's of course if someone will do that, ill keep you informed , but I would like to thank everyone that has replied to this thread , I really do appreciate all help and advice

Your welcome, it isn't easy for most people when innocent people get hot by tradesmen/women.
Good luck with your on going project


the ceiling has lots of holes from a big hole right across where a wall was removed and an airing cupboard, all the pipes from old heating system and where light was move to put in centre of room etc, so it does need boarding and skimming over, I got a plasterer to come and give me quotes around the house for various plastering jobs, the tiler told me she could use adhesive thicker in areas that were slightly out , I just trusted her word

John Benton

the ceiling has lots of holes from a big hole right across where a wall was removed and an airing cupboard, all the pipes from old heating system and where light was move to put in centre of room etc, so it does need boarding and skimming over, I got a plasterer to come and give me quotes around the house for various plastering jobs, the tiler told me she could use adhesive thicker in areas that were slightly out , I just trusted her word

She should have offered to do the ceiling first for you anyway if she is a 'plasterer' as well as being a 'tiler'.

Can't believe you have had such bad luck with all the trades letting you down but I suspect that is down to your vulnerability and naievety. What you will gain from this is experience that you can draw on next time you require a project.

For any trade you invite into your house, always ask them for references from their customers and even look at their work if possible. Try and get recommendations from friends/family/work colleagues who have had similar types of work carried out.

There are also lots of forums similar to TF (but not as helpful :smilewinkgrin:) where you can ask questions, before starting a project. Don't forget this - If you don't ask the right questions, you won't get the right answers.

Good luck and hope it all works out you.


If you would like to cover my petrol money i will come and finnish/replace the rest of the tiling so that your bathroom is complete.

wow mr tea bag that's a really kind offer, how far away are you, im guessing wolves which is about an hr, I would pay you something for doing the tiling too, not fair you do that for nothing

ive just had a local tiler out and hes basically said what everyone on here has, best to start again unless I can live with some of the faults, given her 0 out of 10 , hes basically said shes left all the fiddly bits, like round window and loo to do and loo need taking out, the over board shouldn't have been 18 mm only 9 mm so that's going to make moving loo up trickier, the floor tiles should have been started about 2 ins into door frame as im going have a gap when door is put on. she hasn't planned it or started from the middle or worked out wall measurements hence small cuts everywhere, he said she clearly has no idea how tile its diabolical :-(, hes also said my tiles are fine and shes blaming the tiles and walls for her work and the bad job is down to her alone not materials, he said she should send someone else out to finish the job if she cant do it

shes now sent me an apology email saying she shouldn't have accused me of damaging tiles before she saw pics and that its her inexperience that has caused this and she wont be doing tiling again, and shes prepared to come and remove the 2 chipped tiles, 2 floor tiles and the couple around window out of alignment and pay for a couple of replacement tiles in a few mths time and shes not working due to injury at the mo, and to get someone else to finish job and she wont take any payment , lol as if I was going to pay her anyway

im going to take legal advice I think, I really don't know what to do and its all stressing me out

Mr Tiler

im in bilston yes.. and I noticed in the pics and the only way around the door is simply to have a small cut in the doorway and then to fit an appropriate door strip, not much you can do unless you have the floor taken up... as for my suggestion in the last post, I only mean to come and get it tiled for you so the bathroom is at least finished and crack free. you will more than likely just have to live with the majority of the bad tiling until you decide the time is rite for a complete re-do.


ill never have enough money to have a complete re do again, she has left very fiddly bits , so this might be 1 1/2 days work the chap told me today just to finish off and take off some of the real probs but leave other things I can bare lol, so its not a few hrs work left to do, hes also said that the tiles below window sill all need taking off cos when the sill tiles go on they wont fit right, didn't realise that too , the plumbers just text me and asked me has she put thick adhesive around the shower wall if she has then the shower fittings he was coming to do wont fit on, omg another thing to worry about and no idea if she has or not :-( , just gets worse and worse

Mr Tiler



its amazing what speaking to trading standards and contacting her re this and telling her to ring them can do.

shes actually offered tonight to give me £100 to get someone to remove the tiles and, asked me for original receipts of all materials and is going to re order and send them too me next wk, but no mention of underfloor heating so im hoping that's not damaged removing tiles , that's a good result, im still out of pocket a bit but at least I should get my bathroom done to correct standard now


oh I agree with u there, ive asked her to email me proof of purchase , I got them online walls and floors , she said going to sort it tomorrow, so should I get her to change from pre mix adhesive I got to bagged stuff then , as someone said its not suitable for bigger tiles ?

I really appreciate all your help guys and thx a lot mr tea bag for that lovely offer, I might still need u yet if she starts backing out of it 2 moz lol

Mr Tiler

lol no problem... i think tbh you purchased the tubbed so she is only responsible for repl;acement and if she delivers on that promise i would be very greateful... so talk your neighbour into tiling there kitchen and sell them the adhesive and then go and get yourself some cement based lol...

- - - Updated - - -

not greatful to her but greatful you have managed to get anything back!


the bagged stuff is a lot cheaper so would save her money , ive just had my kitchen tiled by my step dad and he did a better job than she did lol, ive only been here a few mths and none of the neighbours have introduced themselves so I don't even know them but can hear them, noisy sods lol, im thinking about getting sound proofing so reduce it a bit

we will see , I don't want to start getting tiles knocked off then her change her mind and me be in a worse mess
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Reply to any advice re bad tiling job would be appreciated in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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