So which one are you wanting to keep..?..you are only allowed one..:smilewinkgrin:
The problem with B&Q (in fact all chains) is the lack of technical knowledge by their staff on most things. Mostly due to the low wages, high turn over of staff, age and of course the vast number of products held by sheds.
You would think buyers from such large groups would be insisting suppliers provide the correct instructions on how to use products.
From our own experience when we quoted to supply our kits to Screwfix we offered them a full service of drills, plates and instructions held in a clamshell to be sold via their catalogue.
However all Screwfix wanted to buy was the guide plate above! And they wanted it sent in a clear plastic bag with a bar code on. No instructions.
From a manufacturers point of view we saw that as a crazy way to sell goods. Goods sold without instructions seem to be the way the sheds want to work by stripping out costs and packaging. They did conceed to the fact that we could include (at our own cost) a small fold up leaflet but then the deal went flat for other reasons (they were too greedy!)
Thanks for replying.
B Q are still selling these tiles and their staff do not know that they are wax coated. Even the managers were surprised when I showed them an offcut wich I scoured clean, their own display was smeared and oily as it had not been cleaned. I feel that many have and are still being duped by the lack of knowledge. 'Customer service' now tell me that I have not followed the fitting instructions which do not mention the coating on the box. Interestingly the same tile in 400 x 400 has specific mention pof the need to remove the coating. How many floors are out there where they dont realise that the true finish is highly glazed? I spoke to one tiler who had laid the black version without cleaning them and I could see the recognition on his face when I described my issue.
the shame is that they are actually very nice tiles when clean!