bal or mapei?

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Since i started tiling nearly 2 years ago i have always used bal products from my local topps.I have used many of there products from green star ,grip,gold star to name a few it was my tutor in college who recommended bal and have been impressed with there products. i did use webber and dunlop on seperate ocassions and didnt find there products to be as good as bals.Ino a lot of tilers have started using mapei products and was wondering what the tilers on here think of there products adhesives grouts etc...?

Firstly i used to use pci products until they became too expensive for my supplier so he started getting Mapei stock and i have been using it ever since...i love mapei kerraquick and the grouts except the gg grout which i found was falling out the joints and ended up with more on the floor than on the wall.

Just to add,Dunlop is actually part of BAL.

I have used Bal in the past and i actually really like the super cover adhesive as it mixes well and spreads well but i dont like the grout.As others have mentioned it is a bit pricey and the should really be making it a little cheaper.So its Mapei for me at the moment as i trust the products as they have never failed on me and i have never had any issues with them apart from the gg grout.
Bal does what it say's on the tin and great customer service and help if needed. like everything you get what you pay for..
sorry no to mapey slip
want good valve for money buy granfix or try nicobond.
times are hard but bal still rules...:thumbsup:
I am in the process of just setting out so my experience is pretty limited really. Up until now I have used Bal products as they were what we used on the training course and we'd had a "training session" from the Bal rep. I have recently attended a training day at Mapei. The day included a trip around the factory and their lab. I was very impressed with the tech support they offer, the range of their products (and the freebies they gave!) and what surprised me most was the amount of time and money they invest in R&D. Had the opportunty to "trial" a couple of products there too and I will definately be trying their stuff for my next job. I think my biggest future problem is going to be getting hold of products due to my location and the nearest Topps isn't particularly close either!

Bal for me 95 % of the time for adhesive, It has to be Bal grout tho, really dont like the mapei grout, i know they have a much wider colour range but i dont feel they are as easy and quick to apply.
Bal for me 95 % of the time for adhesive, It has to be Bal grout tho, really dont like the mapei grout, i know they have a much wider colour range but i dont feel they are as easy and quick to apply.
Mapei grout is brilliant m8,what dont you like about it?BTW i also like sovereign grout.
:thumbsup:mark the tubbed adhesive is pants to say the least and i for one will never use it again,however the cement based adhesives are good,used them just before christmas.
yes thats the one i was using Mark,i actually think my local supplier is selling this aswell as Mapei.:thumbsup:


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