Black Limestone Paving Nightmare!!!!! Please help!!!!

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No. The guy sold me a sealer to put on after the slabs were laid a grouted. A sealer would have sorted it i assume. Is it fixable?

Yes, the sealer should have gone first and would have prevented the grout clinging to the surface..

Ok.. some products to try...


Aqua Mix NanoScrub® is an abrasive cream cleaner designed to work where other cleaners won’t. It utilizes NanoSTG (nano-sized particles) to penetrate into small surface pores where it can effectively work to remove surface stains and residues. Effective for cleaning all stone and tile surfaces. Also removes factory applied waxes and floor finishes, coating sealers, light grout residue (including epoxy), rubber and pencil marks, light mineral deposits, ground-in dirt and most sealer residues. NanoScrub is nontoxic, non-flammable and non-acidic.


Porcelain, ceramic, polished and unpolished natural stone (such as granite, limestone, marble, slate, and travertine), grout, quarry, saltillo, terra cotta, cement pavers, masonry surfaces, and other stone, tile and grout surfaces.

More Information

Price: £9.99 £11.74 Including VAT at 17.5%

Try this first..

and if no joy then this..

qua Mix Phosphoric Acid Substitute is a premixed acidic treatment designed to remove grout haze, mineral deposits, rust stains, mortar smears, and efflorescence. Effective for the removal of most hard water stains, lime deposits, and soap scum. Also removes cement grout and mortar residue from tile, concrete, and masonry. Etches concrete. No VOCs, No phosphates.

Aqua Mix No VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) formulas help provide better indoor and outdoor air quality compared to similar traditional products.

Acid resistant natural stone (such as granite and slate), ceramic, porcelain, quarry, saltillo, terra cotta, and other acid resistant tile and stone.

More Information

Price: £6.35 £7.46 Including VAT at 17.5%

Please follow all the instructions and hopefully it can be saved... Black limestone is one you have to be careful with when grouting and the advice you got from the supplier was wrong.

Try those and let us know how you get on...

if they work pretty good then you can use another product to darken the end result and bring some colour back..

State-of-the-art Polycure technology

Aqua Mix - Enrich'N'Seal is a premium, no-sheen, enhanced-look penetrating sealer

Formulated to darken, enrich and highlight the character and beauty of unsealed natural stone.

It rejuvenates the colour and improves the appearance of worn and weathered stone.

- May used as a pre-grouting sealer
- Allows moisture-vapour transmission
- Effectively seals and darkens the colour of grout joints.

Use on unsealed natural stone such as:
- Marble
- Granite
- Slate
- Limestone
- Travertine
- Quartzite
- Sandstone

Effective for interior and exterior applications.

Warning - Once enhanced, stone cannot be restored to original color appearance

Coverage: 12 - 35 Sq M per coat per 946ml bottle (depends on material)

Expected life/wear: Up to 15 years

Data Sheet pdf

Price: £49.39 £58.03 Including VAT at 17.5%:welcome:
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Thanks for all the help.

When the slabs are all wet they don't look too bad at all. If i put the sealer on top (without using your suggested cleaners) will they stay black? I paid £50 for a couple of litres of white liquid (said to mix 50/50 with water) which the guy said will make the slabs go black. I don't know what it is becuase he put it in a couple of water bottles. He said the slabs would turn blue and then back to black once dry and not to worry. I don't think he was trying to pull a fast one becuase he got a reputable landscaping customer.

Try the liquid in an inconspicuous area first..

Then see how it dries... that's all i can recommend on that really but worth a try..
Thanks both for all your help/suggestions. Really, really appreciated. I'll report back on my results.


Spoke to the guy who sold me the slabs. He said he reckoned i'd get the stains out with a heavy duty pressure washer. He said that's what he uses. I reckon my pressure washer may not be strong enough.

What do you think? shall i try this before the cleaner?



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