doug boardley
they'd want my brain when I'm on my death bed....got to an oldish age and rarely used!
err, should it not be voluntary Stew, a bit draconian to say that the nhs has a right to your body and it's parts:yikes: after all, most of us pay NI contributions anyway.
I donate Stew, and carry an organ donor card, but surely you can't expect it to be any more than voluntary can you?Major shortage of blood and donor organs in this country, and we would all expect to get them if we needed them. You could opt out if you want, so you do have a choice. And NI has no bearing on blood or organ donations. I personally know of a family that refused to give their sons organs up for donation, even though he had a donor card.......... but to top it all the father had received a liver a couple or years earlier!
My wife has had to ask the question several times with a less than 20% going for it. If we had an opt out system, it would remove the emotional trauma from the families that's associated with it. With blood, if everyone gave a pint a year, we would never have a problem.