I ve been having a clear out and have a load of part used paint tins to dispose of
ive put them to one side as they can no longer be skipped as they are in their liquid state and may find their way from. the landfill into the water table
so i have two choices I can pay to dispose of them through the waste management site or I can pay again and buy paint solidifier and once solidified I can skip them
so where does tub come under these regulations, its not a solid and breaks down and emulsifies if wet
surely this cant be disposed of through the landfill and therefore cant be skipped
has anyone heard anything about this
or is it pick on the painters again
we are already responsible for global warming
ive put them to one side as they can no longer be skipped as they are in their liquid state and may find their way from. the landfill into the water table
so i have two choices I can pay to dispose of them through the waste management site or I can pay again and buy paint solidifier and once solidified I can skip them
so where does tub come under these regulations, its not a solid and breaks down and emulsifies if wet
surely this cant be disposed of through the landfill and therefore cant be skipped
has anyone heard anything about this
or is it pick on the painters again
we are already responsible for global warming