ditra pricing?

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84 cents per sq ft?I must be thinking of something different,thanks,As for Daves reply,I knew I wasn't going to get off that easy,I just didn't want to have to run out to my workshop everytime I wanted to do a quick conversion,and it hurts my *** when I pack one in my back pocket,But your right ,I should have one in the computer room,thanksfor unprocrastinating meDave.Mike
I've been meaning to ask this for a long time but haven't cause I didn't want to appear stupid,but it must be a British term so I must ask...What is a VAT ?Thanks,Mike
I've been meaning to ask this for a long time but haven't cause I didn't want to appear stupid,but it must be a British term so I must ask... What is a VAT ? Thanks,Mike

VAT is a tax that's charged on most goods and services that VAT-registered businesses provide in the UK. It's also charged on goods and some services that are imported from countries outside the European Union (EU), and brought into the UK from other EU countries.

Introduction to VAT | Business Link
I've been trying to figure out what VAT stood for since I've been on this site figuring it was some sort of tiling term,I didn't want to ask cause I didn't want to look like a rookie,now I feel as smart as a rubber hammer,I'm so glad you explained that Dave,thanks,we have something similar here but it's called,GST,"Goods and Services tax"and it's on everything so I just mentally add it on,we get nailed 7% provincially and 7%federal so it does add up over a year,gotta keep all reciepts for when the taxman cometh,if I fart in a store I ask for a reciept,thanks again,I`ll be able to go to bed without banging my head on the headboard trying to figure it out,all in the name of pride ehÉMike


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