I thought Derek H tiled it.... it was some tiler from the town... i was thinking DS... but they said not..?
re-locating my hens to a lighter part of garden, so was on with building a new run for them, then went bag packing at Asda (was for McMillan charity), then out to a house party for tea with the boys, got back about 9;30, had a star wars battle, lads were Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker and I had to be General Grevious, they lightsabred seven bells outta me, now having a slurp 'cos the galaxy is at peace:lol::lol:
lol, we're just re-installing Sky and getting rid of BT Vision, broadband and telephone! it was working out at about £250 a quarter, the Sky package will be about half that!