There's a bloke on a Facebook forum i go on for a laugh, biggest dicks I've ever come across (I know, that sounds a bit **** 🙁 )
There's a tiler called simon benn from Leeds , if he comes on here 'hi Simon' ,
He always says he d&ds on every job, walls and floors ,and been doing it 20 years with no problems at all, his website /Facebook page work looks good , I will have a look for it now.
Found it
S,B,Tiling LTD - http://www.sbtiling.co.uk/[
I think there has been a bit of confusion between different ideas on this thread, if you say dot and dab, to me that is 5 spot method, which we ALL agree is wrong, this confusion has got people's back up on different sides of the discussion as they are talking different method and still not agreeing, to me, combing a wall with a notched trowel and back buttering is best, but only if you do it right and ensure coverage, ste knows his method of using many dabs works, compressed to achieve high rate coverage works, a method on bad walls I do use just a bit differently to ste, I and almost everyone agrees this method can have a place in the industry, if done correct, if ste chooses to do it all the time, does it right, gets good coverage and good results and good quality then to me the only issue across this whole thread really, is people's perception of what dot and dab or spot fixing actually means. 5 spot is wrong what are does isn't when done correctly
Definitely! Well said! Its all about coverage, not the method you use to achieve it 🙂