embarrassing moments at work.

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Wivers knows about this one.
I was blowing down a 22mm pipe to clear water 'cos I needed to solder a joint and I blew so hard I sh*t myself - proper filled my pants. The customer was in the room at the time (she was gorgeous too!!!) I tried to re-created the huge noise my *** made with my blowing noise to try and cover up.
No way of covering the smell up though so I made my excuses (something about popping to the plumbers merchants for a couple of elbows I believe) and cleaned myself up in the back of the van. I left it 20 mins or so thinking I may have got away with it but when I went back I clocked 2 Glade plug-ins in the landing and hall!!!
Phew - had to double check this was in the Arms!!!!:lol:
Wivers knows about this one.
I was blowing down a 22mm pipe to clear water 'cos I needed to solder a joint and I blew so hard I sh*t myself - proper filled my pants. The customer was in the room at the time (she was gorgeous too!!!) I tried to re-created the huge noise my *** made with my blowing noise to try and cover up.
No way of covering the smell up though so I made my excuses (something about popping to the plumbers merchants for a couple of elbows I believe) and cleaned myself up in the back of the van. I left it 20 mins or so thinking I may have got away with it but when I went back I clocked 2 Glade plug-ins in the landing and hall!!!

:lol::lol:.. Name change... Ploppy...!! :smilewinkgrin:
my Ex boss and my brother were discussing the size of some knickers on the washing line, (you could've sailed a yacht with them), of course I was wise and sniggering come shoulder dancing, but then again I was at the right place in the garden to see the knickers owners sat on the garden bench..... my bro and boss saw her too, alas for them, too late:20:
This one didn't happen to me, but it happened to a guy I used to know some time ago. When he was younger he worked at a glass shop, and he told me that they had a customer that was a royal PITA. The company had installed a lot of glass in the house over the previous year, and the owner of the house made their lives miserable everytime they were there. When they went to install the final pieces of glass, this guy I know writes a lot of profanity with the mirror mastic on the wall...he writes out in cursive just about everything that you can think of. They all had a good laugh and left for the day and went home. The next day, the boss calls them in and starts raising hell about the PITA customer...she called and told the owner of the company that she wouldn't be paying for the recent glass work in the house. It turns out that these nitwits I know had used the wrong glue for the mirror, and it burned through the silvering on the back of the glass, and every "FU" was right there for the customer to see.:yikes::yikes::yikes::mad2::mad2::mad2:

This is actually the reverse situation, and this is one where the customer put her foot in her mouth. :lol::lol::lol:

We were doing a basement finishing job for a married couple a few years ago. The wife was one hot banana, and the husband was always gone for work. One of my guys was there working alone and the lady of the house had a couple of friends over. They were gossiping and talking about the how our customer had been tagging some boyfriend on the side and her husband didn't know anything about it. The whole time they are talking as if my employee couldn't hear them or understand what they were saying. I could see why, because I rarely speak English to him on the job site. But his English is pretty darn good, and of course he followed the entire story. We managed at another time to set it up that I started talking to him in English and he responded to me in English.

You should have seen that look of "OH SH*T" in the eyes of the customer. :yikes: I didn't have any problems from her after that, and we definately got paid for everything we did, including all the extra work. 😀
Man, this makes me remember another one just like this.....my other employee was working on another job of ours.....big house, wealthy people, husband was a bigshot DC attorney....and the super **** of a wife had been banging the lead carpenter on the job. We didn't know about it until she was telling her friend about it in whispers...and you guessed it...in front of the latino worker that took English for 18 years from the Dominican priests from Spain.......LMFAO! This guy's English is better than a lot of native speakers here.

The great thing is that the lead carpenter is a buddy of mine. I got A LOT of mileage out of that one...for years...."Hey Joe, when are we going to do more work over at the __________'s house?" 😀
I've had a few but for the funniest one i've ever had was with TJ and the bucket of slop. http://www.tilersforums.com/tilers-forums-arms/9996-never-laughed-so-hard.html

Saturday i was working at a house with TJ doing a porcelain floor.

The weather was quality and there were patio doors out of the room we were tiling to the back garden, so we set up all the tools out there.

As we were setting up the customer told me that there was no-one living next door so if i needed water at all i could jump over the fence and use their tap as the customer didn't have an outside one fitted yet.

About halfway through the day yet again my belly started to make so of the famous glugging noises that most of you will have read about at some stage in previous threads.

I knew that it was already on its way so i made a dash to the toilet upstairs, but someone was already in there!!!!!

By now my brain had told me belly i was on me way to the toilet,and the log was on its way down the flume.

I rushed downstairs and grabbed some kitchen roll, then ran into the garden picked up a builders bucket and jumped over next doors wall.

I just managed to squat on the bucket in time.

TJ poked his ead over the wall and started to laugh hs nutts off at the sight of me balancing on a bucket in someones garden.

I started to mop up but just as i did the customers son walked in to the gaden to play football.

I quickly pulled up me shorts and shoved the bucket under the tap and began to fill it up with water.

Once the bucket was filled i climed back over and placed the bucket of wivers ready mix next to the wall ready for me to dispose of once the lad had gone back in the house.

Well the lad was out there for a while and myself and TJ carried on working and i began to forget all about the bucket. Mre to the point so did TJ.

About 2 hours later TJ told me he was going to start packing the tools away, and wash the trowels.

All of a sudden i heard a horrible high pitched screaming from the garden so i rushed out to see wot was the matter.

TJ had forgot what was in the bucket and shoved his hands in it to clean off the trowels. Realising what he had done he began screaming and by the time i had got outside he was running around and aronud the trampoline, screaming like a big girl with his hads in the air.

I swear the look on his face was one of pure horror and disgust.

I was completely weak with laughter and my belly hurt so much.

Imagine a 34 year old bloke running around in a circle screaming like a girl at the top of his voice coz he's dipped his hnads in hs mates poo bucket!!!!

He scrubbed hs hands for half an hour with a brillow pad lmfao!!


Ive been crying laughing for 10 mins after reading this 1 ... :thumbsup:


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