Exceeding substrate weight limits.

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Someone on here (*in the know) may be able to quantify my point. How are the recommended weights tested? How many installations were tested (ten, one hundred, one thousand)? Is it essential that there are no failures per (e.g.) thousand installations - and who did the thousand installations? If exceeding the weight limit by (e.g.) 3kg per sq m leads to one failure per thousand, then 999 installers on here got away with exceeding the weight limit - but who had the failure? It looks a lot like the argument for not raising speed limits on roads - we all expect people to exceed them regularly by at least ten per cent - so lets make them lower in the first place to allow for this....
A well known baker board has been tested to four ton yes that is FOUR TON but they set the limit at 100KG. Hope that helps you :0)
This doesn't surprise me at all.. I've seen stone tiled onto new plaster loads of times, and yet to hear of any issues. I've had to do it a couple of times myself, to not lose the job, but made my position crystal clear.
Hell, i've even seen large stone tiled to new plaster, with tubbed gear! I know the guy who owns the house, so been waiting to hear if it has failed. So far, it's been up about 3 years i reckon!?!
A well known baker board has been tested to four ton yes that is FOUR TON but they set the limit at 100KG. Hope that helps you :0)

Where the hell did they get tiles at that weight? Hope a customer never asks me to fix them, I'll have to get a labourer to help me lift 'em :lol:
Someone on here (*in the know) may be able to quantify my point. How are the recommended weights tested? How many installations were tested (ten, one hundred, one thousand)? Is it essential that there are no failures per (e.g.) thousand installations - and who did the thousand installations? If exceeding the weight limit by (e.g.) 3kg per sq m leads to one failure per thousand, then 999 installers on here got away with exceeding the weight limit - but who had the failure? It looks a lot like the argument for not raising speed limits on roads - we all expect people to exceed them regularly by at least ten per cent - so lets make them lower in the first place to allow for this....
well you fix a tile to the wall first you have to ask where does the weight rest 100% on the wall or 50% on the wall 50% on the floor so are the wieght limits set for tilling on walls or ceiling ?the best way to test this for your self is to build a small wall 1800mm h 700mm w using a couple of 4x2 then fix plaster board leaving a gap at the bottom to slide some scales under then fix 600x600 porcs working off the scales to weigh the floor loading as you go up each tile will weight 8kg so how much wieght is on the scales take this out of the total weight and this will tell you how much the wall is holding you may well be very surprized .as for speeds on the moterway they are far to low 86mph will run your car at its best fuel consuption at over 50 mph the laws for speed where set the old high way code on breaking but modern cars stop in one third less distance a bit like wieght loading on walls set by dinosars
well you fix a tile to the wall first you have to ask where does the weight rest 100% on the wall or 50% on the wall 50% on the floor so are the wieght limits set for tilling on walls or ceiling ?the best way to test this for your self is to build a small wall 1800mm h 700mm w using a couple of 4x2 then fix plaster board leaving a gap at the bottom to slide some scales under then fix 600x600 porcs working off the scales to weigh the floor loading as you go up each tile will weight 8kg so how much wieght is on the scales take this out of the total weight and this will tell you how much the wall is holding you may well be very surprized .as for speeds on the moterway they are far to low 86mph will run your car at its best fuel consuption at over 50 mph the laws for speed where set the old high way code on breaking but modern cars stop in one third less distance a bit like wieght loading on walls set by dinosars

I remember the highway code picture for stopping distances. Stopping distance was about 1/4 mile at 30mph :lol: I think the outline of the car was a Ford Anglia
Back when the brakes used drums and shoes and cables, and not computers, drilled disks and 3 pot calipers. :lol:


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Exceeding substrate weight limits.
Tiling Standards
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