If this thread gets 50 pages long you'll find all the stuff in the middle wont get read. Latest stuff will get read as current discussion, and the old stuff that comes first in the thread will get read by random browsers.
You'd get a lot more people reading them if they all had their own threads.
I do agree with Dan's thinking for getting views etc, we can only do what the poster wants and if that isn't required then I'm ok to leave it as it is, we are only trying to help but we can organise it which ever way suits. Simples 🙂
personally I cant belive the sacrafices being made by all....this weekend coming .......I have given up comp tickets to arsenal / chelsea....on saturday....and a trip to italy with Gary......to go to an exabition.....
so I COULD OF HAD..........Football for free with all the bells and whistles...or a trip to italy with a mate.... and an education....and what am I actually going to do?......wait for it!!!!
rip out a kitchen and floor in Bermondsea!!!!.............this is the life.......EH?
We are all getting ready to complete the next test....we will have it done by the end of the week.....we also have a few new ideas for you to mull over............
I cant wait........
Gary, Ray and myself spent all of yesterday in the lab....til' gone 1am............
all of us absolutly shattered today......but we put in
the effort for the tests...
and here is the first one......