Myths and Misunderstandings: Testing the water resistance of grout

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Absolutely @macten
There's a firm argument in its necessity in the floor of a wet area and 4" up the walls. But as to whether it's a must have all the way up to ceiling, with your 600x600 porcelain tiles. No
As someone says, there's key areas which are common to Water ingress.

Sometimes OTT belt and braces have a habit of becoming the norm!
Just been to a small hotel in zante, i was top floor , a mate directly underneath room, bathroms fully tiled with small bath , powerfull shower(it blew my chesthair off🙂 )
And drain in floor.
Built in 2004,24ish rooms, not a bit of Silicon anywhere,all corners grouted, im presuming floors are tanked but not betting on it, walls either.
Not a leak in sight downstairs , if its tiled right ( i will argue till im blue in the face 😉 ) it won't need tanking.
As for overlappng the tanking tape onto the bath, possibly tge daftest thing ive ever heard 🙂
There's probably 24" of reinforced concrete for any minor leak to pass through first. Not likely you'd see anything to be fair
I'm looking forward to the results on this.
I've often considered contacting the officials in those countries where building standards stipulate waterproofing to get the reasons why they insist tanking is present. All of those authorities can't be wrong can they??
ok i am thinking silicon the corners and have one 3mm joint on the base of the box so that when the water comes gushing through the grout i will spot it easily

i am not trying to make an argument against the use of tanking in wet areas more just trying to put across how a tanking system should perform and what we should be telling our customers about the way grout performs.
I'll take some pictures of the "luxury" shower in the house we rent. I'm damn sure there's no tanking and I have access under the block and beam floor, tiled directly on the blocks, and it's bone dry


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