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Rizzle from the Portizzle

been asked to add these to the decoulper test DSC04592.jpg


I am trying to get our products out there, We make and stock a number of tungsten and diamond products. Im hoping by getting people on here to buy and use our products that they will then go on to give an honest opinion/review as we know that our products arent cheap imitaions, they are the real deal.

If you get the chance check us out on you tube and see our videos
How to use the amazing tile and glass cutter - YouTube

Many Thanks

The D

I am trying to get our products out there, We make and stock a number of tungsten and diamond products. Im hoping by getting people on here to buy and use our products that they will then go on to give an honest opinion/review as we know that our products arent cheap imitaions, they are the real deal.

If you get the chance check us out on you tube and see our videos
How to use the amazing tile and glass cutter - YouTube

Many Thanks
Ok so what is new about that I have had them in my tool kit from back in 1985. I used them a lot untill I got my first rubi now they never see the light of day.


Would anyone like to use and abuse any of our products as we know they go the distance, Hense why we would like your guys feedback as youz would know best right.

Amazing Products.

See our products in action on you tube.

Google search - the amazing tile and glass cutter youtube.
And its the first link

We really would like all your feedback
Many Thanks

Are you offering to send some items in for testing by trusted professional tilers , If so we may be able to assist.


I am trying to get our products out there, We make and stock a number of tungsten and diamond products. Im hoping by getting people on here to buy and use our products that they will then go on to give an honest opinion/review as we know that our products arent cheap imitaions, they are the real deal.

If you get the chance check us out on you tube and see our videos
How to use the amazing tile and glass cutter - YouTube

Many Thanks

Just another bunch of DIY products... IMHO.

Rizzle from the Portizzle

on this test we laid out bays measureing out 0.42 we the used 2 litres of adshesive a 20mm x 10mm half moon trowel then spread out the adshesive between the bays as far as it would go with good covarage then measured the distance covered

0.42 x 1.80 = 0.756 of covarage then diveded by 2 witch gave us a litre spread of 0.378 so if a bag of adshesive gives 15 litres x0.378 this will give 5.67covarage a bag

here are the results

tile master setaflex 20 kg 14 litres 0.42 x 1,70 = covarage per litre 0.357 x 14 =4.998m2 per bag

ardex 7g 20kg 14 litres 0.42 x 1.50 =covarage per litre 0.315 x 14 = 4.41 m2 per bag

ardex 77 20 kg 19 litres 0.42 x 1.50 = covarage per litre 0.315 x 19 = 5.985 m2 per bag

mapie kerquick 20 kg 17.5 litres 0.42 x 1.75 = covarage per litre o.3675 x 17.5 =5.696m2 per bag

mapie adesilk p9 20 kg 15.5 litres 0.42 x 1.60 =covarage per litre 0.336 x 15.5 = 5.208m2 per bag

tilemaster lightwieght 15kg 18 litres 0.42 x 1.93 = covarage per litre 0.4053 x 18 = 7.295m2 per bag

cercol 20 kg 16 litres 0.42 x 1.76 covarage per litre 0.3696 x 19 = 5.913 m2 per bag

weber rapid spf low dust 20 kg 14.20 litres 0.42 x 1.76 covarage per litre 0.3696 x 14,20 = 5.248 m2 per bag

bal green screed 15kg 17 litres .042 x 1.8o covarage per litre 0.378 x 17 = 6.426m2 per bag

bal fast flex 12.5 kg 18 litres 0.42x 1,83 covarage per litre 0.3822 x 18 = 6.879m2 per bag

to make this easy to under stand if the avarage tiler fixes 50 m2 a week 50 x 52 = 2600m2 per year this is how many bags of each you need

tile master setaflex 520 bags
ardex 7g 589 bags
ardex 77 434 bags
mapie adesilk 499 bags
mapie kerquick 456 bags
tile master lightwieght 356 bags
cercol 439 bags
weber rapid spf 495 bags
bal green sceed 404 bags
bal fast flex 378 bags

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