Myths and Misunderstandings: Testing the water resistance of grout

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We've all said that. There's water behind the womans tiles. There's a thread saying so. And you and I both have said it's a problem.

Thank god for water resistant grout though, as the water can get back through!


Given myself a new tag so people know the score when I'm replying. 🙂
This is all getting a bit "handbags at dawn isnt it"

Can I just clarify. there seems to be a tanking is not essential opinion on one side and an it is essential on the other. Is that right.

Deano your own experiment showed that water get through the grout so I don't understand how you can accept the BAL reps opinion that water behind tiles is ridiculous. Grout is not impervious to the passage of water. Showers get wet. Ergo water gets behind tiles in showers. The amount is the key. Is it enough to do damage and how does that damage occur.

The need for tanking would therefore depend more in then on the implication of that water. If it is getting through to a highly absorbent and substrate which will suffer deleterious effect over time e.g. plasterboard, Ply or heaven forbid MDF then I would say tanking is essential. If it is a brick or block wall that has been sand cement rendered, or a cement board lined cubicle then is it an optional safeguard.

If you can fill one of these in for me @deanotile ill make sure it gets filled as soon as I have time. 🙂

I think like ive already said its been proved for decades that tanking is NOT essential in domestic showers , its just another safegaurd, possibly a good one ???
Another thing what makes me a bit dubious about tanking is its EASY to peel off , its like set PVA 😉 could this be a issue with weight ??
(I know i know it says somewhere that its not a problem and it can take 5tonnes per m2 :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:) try it
BAL always recommend tanking in showers used anything more than intermittently. And to use water resistant (not proof) adhesive.

So yeah, always tank showers up to head height.
BAL would reccomend it dan, they wanna sell it 😉

This is the Milky Way spiral galaxy, we call home.

In one arm of that, sits our solar system. We sent satellites out in the 60's that still haven't reached our furthest planet in our solar system.

There's an arrow pointing to our sun. The arrow is the width of 100 suns. You wouldn't see it if it wasn't.

When you look up, some of the 'stars' you see are actually other galaxies, sometimes two dancing with each other.

There could be life in each arm of our own Milky Way.

In our life time we will never know about them. For sure. Out 1000th generation grand child from now probably won't know anything either. By then, 100,000 years from now, the rovers we sent in the 60's would have long died. They still wouldn't have reached outside those spirals.

In that tiny little mix of dots, is our forum. On that forum, there's a thread. In that thread there are some posts.

Never ever ever think what you post in one, or read in one, will change anything at all in the grand scheme of things.

Don't worry. I've danced with Deano's mrs and I hope to again. I have a video where we made a pyramid of shots, and then d1ckhead here knocked them over.

That was at a party for phil's 60th. Who I'm about to call tomorrow.

Let's just move on from this ********.

It's wise to use tanking, it's fine to avoid it. End of.


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