just finished editing the spread test...........cant wait to upload.....but it is 26mins..........sorry.......
Ok so what is new about that I have had them in my tool kit from back in 1985. I used them a lot untill I got my first rubi now they never see the light of day.I am trying to get our products out there, We make and stock a number of tungsten and diamond products. Im hoping by getting people on here to buy and use our products that they will then go on to give an honest opinion/review as we know that our products arent cheap imitaions, they are the real deal.
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Many Thanks
Would anyone like to use and abuse any of our products as we know they go the distance, Hense why we would like your guys feedback as youz would know best right.
Amazing Products.
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And its the first link
We really would like all your feedback
Many Thanks
Ok so what is new about that I have had them in my tool kit from back in 1985. I used them a lot untill I got my first rubi now they never see the light of day.