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Diamond Pool Finishers

Fed Up today one of those days where you hate tiling nothing as nothing went right and felt I was going backward , we all have them from time to time I didnt even have a tile stuck by 11.30 and every cut I did I ended up doing twice as the first attempt was just not good enough , hope tommorow is better and my worzel guumidge style stupid head is back in its box
Get -yourself to bed mate and have a good-night sleep, when you have been through the sheets ,tomorrow will be a new day new start , chin -up :thumbsup:


I had one of those days yesterday. Really felt like I was wasting my time with trying to do the right thing. Sometimes I wonder if it would be better to just work for a company sticking tiles on in any fashion.
Today was a better day though.
I feel like that too Neale earned more money as a subbie working for firms and much less stress, check every week and weekends to myself ! must be mad doing my own thing lol

John Benton

I feel for you Gary.

I've had two of those days in last week. Last Thursday wall tiles turned up, special order from Italy, 2 full boxes 60x30 broken from middle of pallet. Supplier sent 8 boxes of 30x30 to help cuts into corners, and with careful setting out managed to get walls done. Floor tiles supposed to be on next delivery following Wednesday. Driver couldn't drive up from ferry down south, done too many hours. Eventually landed at suppliers at 1 o'clock but took two hours to unload wagon and find my one box in 25 pallets full.

All went well, plumber was back yesterday and I've been to silicon and finish off today.

Good nights rest helped me mentally. Hope it does for you :thumbsup:


I feel like that too Neale earned more money as a subbie working for firms and much less stress, check every week and weekends to myself ! must be mad doing my own thing lol

I had a couple of really bad months at the end of last year Gary, looked into a complete career change, it just seemed that every job went wrong or every customer was a time wasting pleb. Got a couple of nice jobs after Christmas and everything has been getting better since, I'll be honest and say that I'd like to work for a company and cut out all the crap that comes with being self employed, I've only been self employed for 6 years though so, I'm still building the business really. Half a dozen contacts who give me regular work is my ultimate goal. It's those big time consuming quotes that you spend loads of time putting together then don't win the job, that really get me down.


I feel like that too Neale earned more money as a subbie working for firms and much less stress, check every week and weekends to myself ! must be mad doing my own thing lol
Don't say that, it's exactly what I've just done. Been subbying for years but decided to set up for myself. Start the first job on Thursday and it's going wrong already. Had very little hair to start with............


Sometimes it's not good to hear the grief some guys are going through but it helps that your not the only one about to strangle the customer.

There are some mahoooosive idiots out there, I wish everyone could spend a year being self employed, just so they can experience what's involved. Don't get me wrong, the highs outweigh the lows but, some people seem to think we all work 9 til 5 for 50k a year.

John Benton

There are some mahoooosive idiots out there, I wish everyone could spend a year being self employed, just so they can experience what's involved. Don't get me wrong, the highs outweigh the lows but, some people seem to think we all work 9 til 5 for 50k a year.

I used to do less hours and earn 50k a year and packed the corporate world in Bri, had enough of it all.

Earn a lot less now but the stress is virtually non-existant and I'm happy. That matters a lot to me. Stress is a killer and 7 years ago when I quit, the world was lifted off my shoulders

Diamond Pool Finishers

There are some mahoooosive idiots out there, I wish everyone could spend a year being self employed, just so they can experience what's involved. Don't get me wrong, the highs outweigh the lows but, some people seem to think we all work 9 til 5 for 50k a year.
well after 38 year not sure if the highs do outweigh the lows, my daughter ( sales girl ) has a very high standard of living, compared to me !! it's a fight to the death at the moment and some of are friends are losing !!


Having "one of them jobs" myself at the moment.

350m walls & 150m floor.
Newly built toilet/shower block for a campsite 3 miles from me.
All the other guys that are working on this job are full time employed by the campsite, so it's very very clicky. They ALL think the tiling game is easy and they ALL can do it better/faster etc etc. Wet room floors have gradients all over the place, with 6 drains in each part (for showers). The drains are plain gullies with 50p black drain covers....all set level with screed, no account taken at all for the tiling, hence, they are 10mm lower than the floor.
None of them give a stuff about who is working before or after them. Nobody knows how to clear up after themselves. I did a lot of siliconing, and somebody came in 1/2 hour after and started drilling etc etc.......I hit the wall, and they all take the pee, and think I'm a miserable git.....which I am on this job. Nothing is finished, as I cannot finish any of it, until the plasterer actually turns up and finishes of door/window revells etc.

Last Saturday I asked for more tiles to be fork lifted over to me from the storeroom, only to be told that there is none left, (couldn't make it up). So I measured up and told them they are 40m short........they got ordered, and arrived today (Monday) and then a pallet of tiles was mysteriously found in the store room, so they will have plenty left over.

All of this is normal for this shambles of a place. Where as the plumber and myself are pulling our hair out at the total frustration of this place. I won't go into the plumbing side of **** ups......thats another day maybe?

moan/rant over...........so your 1 bad day........I'm quite envious. ;)


hope tomorrow is a better day for you gary :thumbsup:

i have had to give myself a good kick up the backside lately because i have been a bit negative towards a few things and thats all my fault, no excuses. from now on its back to thinking positive and being really grateful for everything i've got.

anyway, its good that things sometimes go wrong, it gives us a chance to reflect and put a few things right..


I think i Probably speak for 99% of the regulars on here. Our work is mostly not work as we sadly enjoy it so effing much! I for one feel so lucky to be doing this work. But i know where you are coming from Gary! I'm guessing your maybe half way through a project and possibly lost the love for it rather than the exiting start of a new masterpiece? Hope your feeling more positive anyway!!


Tomorrows another day, we all have terrible days. Those are the days when you phone goes...and you think I can't be bothered to speak to anyone, because you have had a gut full. Put it out of your head, and tomorrow is another day. I just try and think about all the nice things I have to look forward to....being paid....on time (thats a bonus), summers coming (please sooner rather than later) my holidays booked (first one in five years), so just deal with the crap, and chin up Gary.


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