getting paid (domestic work)

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Not too bad here Andy, the slowest ones usually are the ones with the most money I always find, so I'm on their case as soon as I'm finished, and I also always put the payment terms on my written/email quotation so there are no grey areas, as they then have agreed to a legally binding contract when they have agreed for me to carry out the work(and this doesn't necessarily have to be in writing, a verbal contract stands) and they will be in breach of it if they have ignored it.

Hope that helps buddy :thumbsup:
Exactly what's happend to me....customer gets cheap crap tiles from a diy shed against my advice. ....gose on holiday to Australia for 3 weeks while me and the plumber fit a new bathroom......he comes back and picks up on issues I explained to him before he left that I can do nothing about. Tiles sizes varying, bowed tiles ....glaze so thin it chips just running your dry cutter over them...ect

I think its more down to the price .....although me and the plumber have both done work for him before. en-suite in his old house ( tiles supplied by me from a Decent tile supplier) he paid no problem.
When we priced this job he questioned us that he thought it was expensive and he was getting other quotes. ..fine by me I got plenty of work on. However he still came back to us to do the work...
Yesterday meeting ended with him paying me and the plumber three quarters of our money an intermediate payment he put it, till the snags are done.
Its not rocket science to work out this is the price he wanted to pay in th the first place.
Btw hes a police officer.....just to pee me off even more..
mi m8 did you get the rest of your money
I only do domestic work and for myself, when I quote I state that the total cost is £x and this it to be payable upon time of completion. And yeah I've not been knocked some even leave me the money when they go to work in the morning and I've only just started work there on single day jobs! But then my first bad customer happened last month, got to the job he's got b&q budget white wall tiles none the same size, tell him it's not going to line up very well etc etc, yeah that's fine I understand he says, wants extra work done and has not allowed another day for this and had mosaic borders and boxings that I knew nothing about and done anyway so I ran out of time. I went home agreeing to his part payment and he would transfer the money. Argument later about tiles being different sizes and says he has a mental disability he doesn't remember, well he paid some in the end and i had enough of him. Wednesday just gone he said he's taking legal action against me for the remaining works cause I told him to keep the rest of the money and forget all the other works he wants done I'm not interested he was demanding I start 3.30pm and Saturdays. Really piddled me off I've never had a issue from a customer with any of my work! Off topic but wanted to moan for days! Lol.

But in general my requirement for payment upon time of completion works well, I've learnt that EVERYTHING has to be in writing no matter how silly it seems cause verbal doesn't exist! If you accept the quote have the work done then there is no need to not pay at the end of the job, I certainly wouldn't make anyone wait for money if do work for me.

And if I get a bad vibe then there has been a few I haven't quoted as personally it's not worth the risk. Now that I'm finally at the point where I'm 7 1/2 weeks booked up in front of me since starting solo in August, it was tough until 3-4 weeks ago so I like to play safe rather than take risks financially.

I will shut up now 😳
I feel for you. These are issues that any business faces and it's got nothing to do with how good you are at your trade it's simply down to business practices. I know a lot of very capable tradesmen that have a great reputation and have gone self employed and lost their shirt within a year or two. To be self employed and sucessful you need trade skills and business skills in equal amounts.
I feel for you. These are issues that any business faces and it's got nothing to do with how good you are at your trade it's simply down to business practices. I know a lot of very capable tradesmen that have a great reputation and have gone self employed and lost their shirt within a year or two. To be self employed and sucessful you need trade skills and business skills in equal amounts.

I'm just out to earn a living I enjoy my job and I give people what they're paying for and not a bodge job, I have a labourer now and again I'll never commit to taking on workers I am happy on my own at my own pace. I am certainly learning a lot as I go along regards the business side of things, little issues that pop up I learn to help reduce these happening in the future, just unfortunately some idiots are unpredictable lol. I would rather sit at home now than tile with them cheap things again..! 🙂
Maybe this forum would benefit from a Business sub-forum. Business acumen is something that takes time to learn and the lessons are usually expensive especially for the micro enterprises where one none-payer can mean there's no food on the table literally. It's better if you can learn the lessons and avoid the pit-falls without paying the price first hand.

With the unpredictable idiots you can exercise damage limitation by having apayments structure in place and proper paperwork proceedures where everything is in writing and acknowledged by the customer for future reference. Also look at getting involved in micro business coperatives in your area which can provide your business with services you wouldn't normally be able to afford access to such as legal, HR and accounting etc etc.
At the end of the day u can have as many safeguards in place as u like, but if they ain't gonna pay, they ain't gonna pay.
It has to be premeditated, they have every intention of bumping u before u arrive, they just try to find the excuse! It's just in their nature!
Oh good where in the arms haha
Which is exactly what I told a client a short while ago, not that not paying was in his nature, but that finding fault was In his nature. Haha He actually took it quite well 😀 I'd already explained and physically shown him that it was impossible to get a 64millon dollar job with 10 dollar tiles but he did insist on taking a small piece of timber about 60mm long and rocking it over EVERY single joint both horizontal and vertical and being they were johnsons 300x100 he wondered why there were discrepancies! I spose alarm bells should have rang when he said that it took 3 Tilers to do his first ensuite and that he had to finish it himself! It's amazing how complacent u can get when you're not used to getting snagged and u take it for granted that u won't have that problem! Haha how wrong was I! He moaned about things I didn't know was possible. Don't get me wrong he paid up no problem but still removed two tiles he wasn't happy with in front of me as I was leaving saying he'd do it himself! He nearly got my gauger in a very dark place! Haha live and learn eh!
I don't have the patience these days to deal with no-payers who don't have an actual genuine reason. I'd end up doing something daft.


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