Has anyone got work in Liverpool?

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Very unfair to blame 1 particular type of nationality

I am a little asian lad cud say the same about every white man who is also a tiler

Steriotyping comes to mind
i dont think the problem is the fact that they are polish, or romanian, or bulgarian etc, its the fact that they work so cheaply and therefore devalue our trades and economy..

the big difference when brits work abroad is we want top rates of pay because we always believed (rightly or wrongly) we were the best.

its a fact that we are going into world recession and its a fact that we are at the mercy of eastern europeans being able to flood the country and work well below our standards of pay with no restrictions and effectively ruin our economy because the glut of their money doesnt go back into this country it goes back to their homeland.

its a sad fact that many people are using this economical complaint as a foot hold for a claim for racism when its clearly not. if you are a business man in the uk and your work force is more than 25 percent foreign labour then you our contributing to the countries financial problem (here me out clearly here) when i say foreign i mean the money leaves the country and goes out of our economy!!)

this brings me onto another point here. it seems ok to label scousers thieves or work shy dole merchants as the norm, but if you refer to someone as a pole or what ever part of the world etc, then its racism or politically incorrect???. i have always tolerated this scousesub standard person crap when i have been out of my home town city of liverpool. i have worked all over the country and i can relate to what racism is. liverpool people continually have to suffer this label and its wrong. the reason why it is not recongnised is because we dont go round using it as a excuse or for compensation. we fight back and then get called aggressive, strange world isnt it. maybe in 5 years if you refer to a person from liverpool as a criminal or dolite as a generalism then maybe some nice politician might deem it to be classed as detrimental steriotyping or god forbid , politically incorrect??..

anyway, if your polish then come over here and have a good life, you deserve it and its your right and i mean that sincerely no matter where you are from but for gods sake, charge the going rate, dont under value yourself and then your family will have even more quality of life and the brits will be off your back and everyone will be happy ;0)
I Have read back and no where can i see a claim of racism mentioned

U r putting words in ur own mouth mate.

As for there polish etc etc coming over and working for a fiver

It is the good old british public that seeks this discount in workman ship.

No one puts a gun to their head and says employ foreigners

Always makes me laugh how some not all jump on the band wagon stating ohh that u r hard done by and blame others but some times it is a good idea to look closer to home........................

Forgot to add that, does the original post also feel the same about the number of foreigner footballers that are legally allowed to work here and if so how many are there in the Liverpool squad???
Are they taking the place of Liverpools great youth policy or are they simply better and Liverpool is utilising the best that is what is on offer in their view!

I was born in Liverpool / am a LFC fan and I thought we we were renouned survivors/ entrepreneurs in any aspect of life.!!.

I got offered a job a couple of years ago in the Bahamas and have done numerous others abroad .

Do you think I or original poster would have turned this opportunity down because I felt sorry for the local carribean stone fixers.

No chance.

Had a right good time and good money for all my guys becaus I took the chance !!

raja, i have just raised a few fair points. the best thing to do with this thread is move on. if you knew me then you would no that i judge people soley on what they stand for only! i dont want to cause offence to anybody, that is the last intention. i stand by what i say, come over here and enjoy everything the uk has to offer but demand more money, dont work cheaply, get what your worth..

hi jonnie, the foreign lads in the lpool squad are here because of 2 reasons.

1. they are the best that money can buy! you dont see torres working for less than crouch tho do you!!
2. they are actually cheaper to buy than the top english players.

i have lived in liverpool all my life and there is no more cosmopolitian city than ours and you are right we are entreupeneurial and we are fighters pity the rest of our country dont have the same opinion but then again most of the people who knock us havent been here??

anyway, no hard feelings from me, and i hope i havent caused any offence, if i have, i apologise and i will remove any posts if thats the case. i havent had a problem with anyone on here and i dont want to start now :0)


Agree with most of your post.

But I do think that an employer like myself who employs legit foreign labour for more than 25% of his workforce but less than 50% is giving something to the government.
They all get paid in accordance with their skill and worth just as per an english tiler who is an employee.
So no cheap labour .
All taxes paid plus my employer contributions for each foreign and every employee which is alot more than some pay in dues!



raja, i have just raised a few fair points. the best thing to do with this thread is move on. if you knew me then you would no that i judge people soley on what they stand for only! i dont want to cause offence to anybody, that is the last intention. i stand by what i say, come over here and enjoy everything the uk has to offer but demand more money, dont work cheaply, get what your worth..

hi jonnie, the foreign lads in the lpool squad are here because of 2 reasons.

1. they are the best that money can buy! you dont see torres working for less than crouch tho do you!!
2. they are actually cheaper to buy than the top english players.

i have lived in liverpool all my life and there is no more cosmopolitian city than ours and you are right we are entreupeneurial and we are fighters pity the rest of our country dont have the same opinion but then again most of the people who knock us havent been here??

anyway, no hard feelings from me, and i hope i havent caused any offence, if i have, i apologise and i will remove any posts if thats the case. i havent had a problem with anyone on here and i dont want to start now :0)


U have not offended me at all i am happy u uhave come on and said ur piece u come across as an intelligent man and i like that.

You seem to justify ur points unlike the thread starter who to put it politely is suffering from tunnel vision.

As for football i do not follow but think i remember 1 fact 1966 was a key date in football :lol:
Very unfair to blame 1 particular type of nationality

I am a little asian lad cud say the same about every white man who is also a tiler

Steriotyping comes to mind

Raja, talking of being little....when you pull up at lights where do your stabiliser come out from..they are hidden really well....lol
We've the same problem over here in Sweden, with (mostly) eastern europeans being employed for less than what a Swedish worker could even pay rent with.

They pack themselves into tiny apartments in the shoddy areas of cities (or live in cars or at sites), live off substandard food, and work 14 hours a day, 7 days a week (which, by the way, is against Swedish labour law).

For example, I met a couple of Lithuanians at a site last year. They told me they lived off nothing but cheap chease, cheap bread, and even cheaper coffee. They also told me that whatever they didn't need themselves, and whatever they didn't send to their families, they used to import cheap alcohol and cigarettes, which they either used themselves, or sold. The proceeds went into doing the same thing again and again.

I've got no trouble with the ones who actually move here, and live by the same rules and conventions as the "natives". However, those who accept pittance for pay and dump the prices, devalue everyone else's work, including mine, and that makes me bloody livid.

Ultimatly, it's the fault of those who hire them, but it's the "poles" (which has become slang for everyone of eastern european decent now...) who get most of the blame. I've met a few "good" migrant workers, but most of the ones I've met have been completely mindless dollar-drones who take pride in being the cheapest of the truly cheap. That is worthy of, atleast, my resentment.

(Add.)If I was a migrant worker, and undercharged that much, and lived under that bad conditions, I wouldn't feel pride, I'd feel shame! Shame for whoring myself, and for shame for soiling the reputation of my country and my countrymen!
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