If anyone comes in the country and is claiming to be a tiler and plays fair , ie, pays tax, insurance and gets CSCS card and NVQ2 etc like others do then whats the problem?
Having been the foreigner in Australia for a while, i guess i was taking their work but i never met any annimosity towards myself, far from it.
While living in Australia i came across a Croation tiler who had moved to Australia to escape the troubles. He literally left his house and got over the border with what he could carry and his wife and kids followed. He was doing no more than these "Poles" are doing....they are surviving. Surely we all deserve to be able to do our best to make our lives better for ourselves and family.
It was mentioned earlier that we " the Brits" flocked to Germany not so long back....so what was the difference between us and the Polish?....Work was in short supply here and it wasnt there....we did what was needed to feed our families.
The old " bloody foreigners coming here, taking our jobs blah blah" statement is generally from the ones that will take the "bloody foreigner" to lay their drive or paint the house, tile the bathroom etc cos it saves them a penny or 2.
My main problem is with anyone that takes my work and isnt qualified, insured, pay tax etc.