Discuss here you go.. lets hear it lol... in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.


Mr Tiler

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Mr T Bag, is this one of the 'small' jobs you intend to take on? To be honest it really isn't an acceptable standard to be charging for is the simple answer. Regardless of the cut you couldn't do with the tools you had, there is a lot more wrong with the install.

Now this chap you did the work for may be happy with the job as i'm guessing his standards aren't very high if he didn't feel the need to alter the abortion that is the towel rail tails before it got tiled. So you may be happy with it and this customer might be happy it with it, but it is well below acceptable standards for most and another customer may well insist you rip out and start again at your cost. As for not having enough tiles, a good tiler could have spent an hour jigging the setting out which meant more cuts could have been used in other areas and I can see at least a whole row of tiles that don't need to be there once the bath is installed... which btw is always better to be installed before tiling.

Back on to the plumbing... who put those isolating valves on the shower tails? The plumber is going to have fun with that one when it comes to putting the shower valve on. No need for those to have been cut so close to the walls. Options are now limited.

F- Must try harder


My goodness! I didn't even realise they were the shower feeds, I assumed they were the basin feeds for a vanity type unit. Oh dear.
In my honest opinion Mr Tea Bag, this is about what I would expect from a below average to average DIY attempt.

I appreciate there is a mixed opinion of your abilities and ethics on here, and whilst I cannot knock your enthusiasm, I can say that your work is not of a chargeable standard. I know a lot of people have had a lot to say in various threads, and I for one have sat on the fence until I saw your work. Now I have seen it and had my say.
I wish you all the very best in the future.

Mr Tiler

Mr T Bag, is this one of the 'small' jobs you intend to take on? To be honest it really isn't an acceptable standard to be charging for is the simple answer. Regardless of the cut you couldn't do with the tools you had, there is a lot more wrong with the install.

Now this chap you did the work for may be happy with the job as i'm guessing his standards aren't very high if he didn't feel the need to alter the abortion that is the towel rail tails before it got tiled. So you may be happy with it and this customer might be happy it with it, but it is well below acceptable standards for most and another customer may well insist you rip out and start again at your cost. As for not having enough tiles, a good tiler could have spent an hour jigging the setting out which meant more cuts could have been used in other areas and I can see at least a whole row of tiles that don't need to be there once the bath is installed... which btw is always better to be installed before tiling.

Back on to the plumbing... who put those isolating valves on the shower tails? The plumber is going to have fun with that one when it comes to putting the shower valve on. No need for those to have been cut so close to the walls. Options are now limited.

F- Must try harder

well I was thinking so but im just thinkin about going back to the factories as I don't want to be labled a cowboy and will never get myself in with a pro. I raised the question about the shower feeds as I knew it would be a problem but was told to crack on and they would sort it. all inlet pipes accept the rail pipes were changed before boarding the floor but I don't even know why he didn't change the rail pipes. but again was told to crack on and it would get sorted. yes they were very happy with my work and I was until I came on here tbh. in regards to the pipes and bath you can only do what you can I was told to do it so I done it. I raised my issue with them. they were happy so I just got on with it.

Mr Tiler

My goodness! I didn't even realise they were the shower feeds, I assumed they were the basin feeds for a vanity type unit. Oh dear.
In my honest opinion Mr Tea Bag, this is about what I would expect from a below average to average DIY attempt.

I appreciate there is a mixed opinion of your abilities and ethics on here, and whilst I cannot knock your enthusiasm, I can say that your work is not of a chargeable standard. I know a lot of people have had a lot to say in various threads, and I for one have sat on the fence until I saw your work. Now I have seen it and had my say.
I wish you all the very best in the future.
thank you... below average to average d.i.y is a bit harsh tho mate. you say its not acceptable to charge for this work which i understand mate. unchargeable it is then... but i can already see im being slated on this thread for it being me. comments wasn't so harsh when i firs posted and i should of left telling people who i am maybe comments would of been a little harsh... not at you plan tec


I've resisted and resisted and simple can't any longer.
Mr T although your enthusiasm and want to provide for your family is incredibly admirable i think you are completely blinkerd or maybe just ignorant.
The rest of this post may appear harsh but if you really want to make a profession out of tiling please look at it as constructive criticism.

The tiling is poor. It is certainly not chargeable work by any means. For a first effort well done. But this is somebody's home! And more so someone's hard earned cash.
There is clear signs of lippage. The cuts to the top of the room are awful. Grout has been washed but not profiled. There's an over spill of grout to the side of some joints that exaggerate the size. Setting out issues. Some cuts are nasty. Shower pipework has been mentioned.
I don't know how you can set out your tiling without knowing what tray is going to be installed.

Many members have you a lot of advice and really tried to help you but it looks like its falling on deaf ears. Neal even took you on for a day to give you some advice. You've been pointed in the right directions and you've ignored it all.
I can see you being the sort of member that takes on a job, comes on here to get the info on how to do it and then goes and has a crack at it. This is not something i can condone or encourage so i won't be taking any further part. You definitely shouldn't be experimenting in peoples homes and you can give that same advice to your builder friend.

One last thing i have great issue with and i tried being discrete with pulling you up on it but now ill be blunt. "Hardie glued and screwed"
I can't stand liars and i believe you are here. Im almost confident enough to wager on this that there is no hardie under those tiles. I have about 4 reasons as to why i think this but im not going to disclose.

I do however hope you make the right decisions and keep the enthusiasm from here on out. But taking money for that standard of work is something you should not be doing.


ouch ! but fair, they are big jobs for your first try's cant you just stick to splasbacks and small floors until you get the skills i have only been doing it just a little under two years and i have only just started doing these type of jobs this year, Don't loose faith take aboard the advice you are being given and i am sure it will work out, take loads of time at home with cheap tiles practising your cuts always make sure they are tight, use the correct trowel to help with lippage and also practise your siliconing as this can spoil the whole job even if the tiles are perfect, also have i bit more respect for the other tilers on here as they will help you a great deal if you have the right attitude good luck Paul.

also take time on your setting out, even if it takes a couple of hours looks like on the floor you have said to yourself i am starting with a full tile on the left and that's that because there is a 30mm cut on the right
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