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Looting has finally hit Brighton today :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:



By the way, this was my reply on the facebook wall of the person who posted the video.: There are some typos, never mind..

"He makes some very valid points, but this still does not excuse destroying innocent peoples' lives, traumatising innocent bystanders, thieving and vandalism. That guy who got shot still waved a gun, mock up or not, at the police, what does he expect, the police to know it can only fire blanks? He makes the comparison with the dogs, those dogs did nothing to provoke a reaction, the man did. It is sad he got killed and that no-one saw his family, etc etc, but the police are disillusioned and overstretched, too, with all the cuts etc etc. The government payouts here to the very people who shout about injustice is higher, relatively speaking, than any other EU nation I can think of, and if that much energy can be spent on wrecking the place that much energy could be spent on improving their lives. Playing the blame game yet again, however eloquently, is a joke. Those kids setting fire to shops and the businesses who do provide employment there thought only of their own sadistic pleasure, and greed. Robbing that Malaysian kid was just one example of the callousness in some of those people's heads. When I was a youthworker in the most impoverished area in Cornwall, Camborne and Redruth, that was around 1985, there were so many families there who quite supported the idea that chucking their teenage daughters out of their homes, advising them to get pregnant as they would then get a free council house, and that was more the norm than the exception, it's that kind of mentality that still breeds a generation later, absolutely abhorrent.

Equally little kids came to the youthclub (we had 300 kids there, aged between 5 and 21) with 30 pence in their pocket, really hungry as their parents didn't bother to cook for them, and had 30 one-penny sweets as their dinner. This kids will have kids of their own now, and those issues were sown by their parents and grandparents. Howard caught some children stealing flowers from some graves, and he reprimanded them, their parents stood by and started swearing at him, telling him to mind his own business, what's it got to do with him and told their children to carry on to help themselves. Yes much needs to change on the global level, but to blame your behaviour on any political wrongs, it's just not on. This is not a cry for help, this is a cry of boredom because they have not been taught to motivate themselves enough to make their own lives interesting and worthwhile".
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What else is made in the UK anymore? Whisky is huge business

Not just oil we have also gas hydro electric, mind boggles at the price we pay for all 3, more oil in the north sea than Kuwait according to a BBC Scotland documentry and at least 100 tears worth, program happend to be on about midnight on a school night.

I can hear bagpipes.... anyone else? :lol:

Del W

Manufactured Goods, Chemicals, Aerospace Products, Electrical Products, Electrical Equipment, and Machinery.England is responsible for over 6% of the world’s total exports of viable goods. Plus banking & financial services.

Dont know where its all made though,everything seems to be closing down !!


Until I spent a week in Scotland a couple of years ago, I thought the Welsh had the best part of the British Isles.

Having seen the highlands though - Scotland is the place!
(I love my mountain biking which may have swayed me a bit!)

Where bouts you go Impish?

I prefer the west coast and western Isles booked the Painters cottage in Dunvegan for the October week :thumbsup:

The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

Don't want to go off topic to much, but I love Scotland. Worked there loads, fantastic place and people, I have yet to visit Ireland, the home of my grand folks. I hope we can see an end to this rioting nonsense soon, getting bored with it now. When I finish a shift at work, the last thing I feel like doing, is rioting.

Make these people work, do national service, anything,:mad2: or better still if all else fails, lethal injection:thumbsup: the world would be a better place.:hurray:


Water canons and plastic bullets Phil, good enough for us remember !!
Look what the ***** footing about has achieved, plenty of encouragement there to loot.
No joking but from the outside it looks like a nation of looters !!
Bad and all as it gets here there isn't much of that.
A bullet up the arse (rubber) puts a stop to that, too busy fighting here though unfortunately.
Good to it quieting down over there.

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